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2plus2equalscats72 karma

Look up scholarships. Not joking. They may be harder to find this year, but if it has a license or certification program, there’s a scholarship out there for it. If you are any specific demographic, add that in the google search too. My partner wanted a $10k training course and certification for his career. I googled “(certification name) scholarships for (demographic)”, found him a few to apply for, and he was awarded one that covered it entirely.

2plus2equalscats43 karma

This would also depend on your definition of what is considered 'outperforming'. Energy consumption in relation to action? Or utility? and which utility is favored? Have you checked out limb James Young got in collaboration with the Phantom Limb project + Metal Gear Solid?! His arm does not 'outperform' a biologically traditional arm, but he can charge phones, unlock doors, pay for things, and fly and land a drone....

2plus2equalscats29 karma

How many employees are necessary for a corporation?

2plus2equalscats27 karma

Thank you for being there. Knowing there were real medical staff in case something really went wild was calming. I’m pleased that it wasn’t just the stereotype experience for you!

2plus2equalscats22 karma

Hey, please ignore me if you’ve already done all this- and I bet you have. But just in case… contest the insurance decision. Have your doc resubmit with proof that it’s not “just cosmetic” for you. This affects your daily life and should be reclassified as a medical need.

Best of luck. You deserve some relief.