Highest Rated Comments

2muchcaffeine4u103 karma

This was not a very well planned discussion. I also think IAmA was not the place to have this, r/georgia probably would have been better. Is this campaign even being run by a proper campaign manager? It seems very haphazardly organized.

2muchcaffeine4u85 karma

Georgia hasn't even released a list of candidates who have qualified for the 2020 election primary, let alone the general. Her entire platform is that this seat is flippable, but we don't even know at this point if she will qualify to run for the seat or if there are other Democratic members she will have to beat out in a primary. This is EXTREMELY premature on her campaign's part (and I suspect her campaign is just her and a couple volunteers, not anyone professional).

edit: funnily enough, I feel like this person is running because of the Run for Something campaign that started after 2016, which normally would make me support them more because I support the organization - but you're actually supposed to use the Run for Something resources before you run, not just hear the phrase and DIY it...which makes me feel like, if anything, this candidate is even less qualified because she doesn't appear to have done hardly any research on how to run a campaign. Her website doesn't have any positions listed at all, despite the fact that she's not well known and nobody can just "assume" what her beliefs are.

If you want to compare this campaign to one of a first-time politician who did a VERY good job organizing, advertising, and collecting donations, look up Anna Eskamani in Florida. She was a first time politician who collected enormous out-the-gate small donor funds and ran very good P.R. throughout her campaign. She's also beloved and and an active member of her community before she ran, so that probably helps a lot.

2muchcaffeine4u62 karma

Sorry if that comes across as accusatory or anything. I'm just trying to figure out how an otherwise healthy 20 year old develops kidney failure. I know it's pointless if your actual doctors looking at your actual test results with actual medical degrees can't figure it out, but I can't stop myself from freaking out at the possibility that anyone can just develop kidney disease for no apparent reason whatsoever.

2muchcaffeine4u23 karma

When you say living your life the way you wanted to and that you were in college - were you drinking a lot?

2muchcaffeine4u21 karma

So to clarify, the school is not yet accredited and you might eventually develop a partnership that will allow you to skip accreditation? This is what many people would consider "not a real college".