Highest Rated Comments

28carslater860 karma

Its been my observation the pushy, narcissistic, and deranged seem to fail upwards.

28carslater23 karma

Almost like he was a person. Freaky.

28carslater12 karma

I'll give her a good one. Reading your policies I see some reasonable positions which could be labeled as conservative. Based on a later post which claims a +28 Republican lean in your district, this leads me to believe you are attempting to run as some sort of neo-Dixiecrat. So, is this accurate and if so do you believe there is a possibility for some kind of Dixiecrat style resurgence?

28carslater11 karma

I believe the Catholic Church to be founded by Jesus Christ

Generally this is credited to St. Peter, but it seems St. Peter was not the true founder and the true founder(s) from about AD 50 are unknown.

28carslater9 karma

I agree but aren't the salaries going to degrade due to natural capitalist economic mechanisms regardless if its four days or five?