Highest Rated Comments

248_RPA377 karma

I mentioned it in another answer but I charge a flat rate so I make the same thing whether your budget is $3,000 or $10,000. If I'm going to travel to you, i recommend having a minimum budget of $3,000. I usually undershoot it though. If you budget for 3K and the whole thing costs $2,723. You get charged $2,723.

248_RPA2 karma

Agreed. I used to work for a financial advisor at Investors. Most of the IG advisors are all about getting you as a client, making a big show of going through the checklist to see what your risk tolerance is, and then slotting you into their preferred mix of IG funds.

Of an office with 60 advisors there was ONE guy who I would have trusted with my money if I didn't already have my own (non-IG) advisor.

248_RPA2 karma

No realli! She was Karving her initials on the møøse