Highest Rated Comments

1moar510 karma

Good luck. What is the most mind-blowing thing you can share with citizens about the whole process?

1moar93 karma

Have you ever delved in to the darker areas of the web, or even Reddit? I'm sure you have, but I guess what I want to know is do you know what things like Tor and the Onion network are, where things reportedly go bump in the night?

1moar80 karma

That all makes sense and is largely why, while I want to make a difference, don't think I could stand up to it. Especially when you remark about those closest to you. On one hand it's nice to know where people stand, but it has to hurt when they do turn their backs. Stay strong and I wish you all the best.

1moar43 karma

As a 14 year call center rep for the Death Star, can you describe the office politics, pay/benefits, culture and such? We're (at the rep level), also part of a union, does Comcast hire from CWA/IBEW?

I ask because when I started here in 2000, it was like they were still in the 50's. Locally, things have gotten a LOT better, but there's still room for improvement as always. A buddy of mine has worked for Comcast for a number of years also but I've never been able to have a pow-wow with him on this.

1moar7 karma

How does this compare to the massive profits that are still made by the pharmaceuticals? Isn't there a point where, ok we've cleared x billions of dollars, these prices can drop so the average person can actually afford the treatments? Or is it just business as usual?