Highest Rated Comments

17485352 karma

Hi Jim! I'm a huge fan! What advice do you have to a teenager who's never done stand up before but wants to get started?

1748531 karma

Thanks a lot for answering! You seem like really great people, and I look up to you! You really do inspire me!

1748531 karma

Hi! I love your YouTube videos! I was actually introduced to them on reddit, and I've been a huge fan ever since! I've seen nearly all of your videos, and I have to admit that, as someone that normally considers himself straight, you guys are now my secret gay crushes. I have a few questions for your guys.

  1. How long does it take to make one video? It seems like quite a bit of work goes in to them.

  2. Do you plan all of your drawings out ahead of time or do you draw a few things while you're making them and only choose a few?

  3. Do you have any plans to translate AsapSCIENCE into other languages? I know you're Canadian, and there are lots of French speaking schools and communities in Quebec that could benefit from your work. I'm a Spanish speaker, and I when I went to school in a Spanish speaking country I noticed that lots of times Spanish speaking teachers don't have as many resources available to them on the Internet.

  4. Do you have any plans to expand AsapSCIENCE to any other mediums, like podcasts? I know you've already published one book, will there be more?

Thanks a ton! I'm a huge fan of you guys and what you do!