Highest Rated Comments

13B1P244 karma

Pancakes are butter tacos. Prove me wrong.

13B1P50 karma

I got hurt on a jump in 1999. My parachute collapsed and I burned in, crushing L1 and popping the surrounding discs. I'll deal with that pain for the rest of my life and I'm currently sitting on a hot pad because the shift I had waiting tables last night still hurts. I had to appeal to get to a 50% disability rating because the Army gave me a rating of 10% when I was medically separated.

My little brother had fucked up knees from playing middle school sports and was kicked out of the Air Force when they downsized because he had a history of being a shithead with things like getting a DUI. He's got a disability rating that's higher than mine.

There are people who game the system.

13B1P29 karma

Mexicans like having nice smiles too. There are horror stories aplenty in the states. The people that I know who spend time in both countries prefer to get their work done down there as it's cheaper and the work is just as good.

13B1P15 karma

How's your day going? Is this AMA working out the way you thought it would?

13B1P9 karma

Oh, there's a purpose to that?