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117866747 karma

Why should I switch from Internet Explorer 6 to MS Edge?

11786673 karma

Hi! Neuroscience fascinates me and if I could re-specialise in anything then it would be this.

When I was learning basics I was always freaked out whenever I learned about any kind of stroke; the whole idea of your brain dying off slowly and you being aware of it terrifies me. Can you tell me what interesting/new/exciting developments and advancements are being made in terms of stroke treatment? Also, your work is insanely interesting, thanks for doing this AMA

11786672 karma

Sad to hear you’ve had such a rough time in such a beautiful place. Ignorant tourists are the absolute worst. So many people just lack basic human decency.

On a positive note, what are some of your favourite things about Iceland? Is there anything that pleasantly surprised you about the country? I would love to visit. Your bike ride looked incredible! Hope you’re doing okay :)

11786671 karma

Hiya! Can you share stories of some of your favourite and most memorable (disclosable) ops that you ran?

Also, I didn’t know the position of “Chief of Disguise” existed, but it’s brilliant!