Highest Rated Comments

11010101000100111399 karma

Good luck!

Slightly concerning.

1101010100010011104 karma

Our company actually will pay for the surgery, HRT, and other things. We've had a handful of people go through the process. Science is nifty indeed.

110101010001001112 karma

I studied chemistry in college but went to work as a project manager at a large tech company. There are so many stupid buzz words. Also, there is so much fluff people use when speaking. Points that can be made in 2-3 sentences take 5 minutes of someone talking. This is all very opposite of what I was taught studying.

110101010001001110 karma

Honestly when Tears starts playing in MP3 is one of my best gaming moments. I fucking love that song.

Though being completely honest I fucking hate the stupid honking.

11010101000100112 karma

Same thing with paintball. I've always heard them be called paintball markers and not guns.

When I was in high school I was selling a paintball marker to my friend and called it a gun and teacher heard that part and came and questioned us. So yeah...