Highest Rated Comments

10queues244 karma

although CRIPSR is exciting ... I believe in the "creativity" of evolution to "find a way" around our most innovative interventions ... that's what we need to be on the ball understanding as much as we can about infectious disease that's why I #LoveVirology

10queues174 karma

NIH have a experimental DNA vaccine in Phase 2 trial (check this out it's interesting an mentions Puerto Rico - https://www.nih.gov/news-events/news-releases/phase-2-zika-vaccine-trial-begins-us-central-south-america).

This illustrates priority

We urgently need a safe and effective vaccine to protect people from Zika virus infection...” —Anthony S. Fauci, M.D., Director, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID)

10queues167 karma

Facts ... just hard scientific facts that #vaccineswork ...

Look at this infographic ... it's when an image is worth 1000 words or three days of cyclical discussion ...


10queues153 karma

Difficult to know if it's a campaign per se ... but the reality is that there are small groups comprised of vocal anti-vaccine folks who either don't vaccinate or want to rewrite facts about when and how vaccines should be administered. This creates havoc, as evidenced in MN, and will continue as bigger numbers of unvaccinated kids are present in the US. Unfortunately, when these numbers increase, it is almost certain someone will die. Just look at the outbreaks in Europe, Germany for example had a big outbreak and one vaccine-preventable death.

Education demands having an openness to facts, if these and robust scientific data are ignore we end up with the tragedy that is widespread infection by a highly infectious pathogen.

10queues134 karma

First and foremost weaponizing biologicals is prohibited by the Geneva Protocol, so although this is an interesting question it's in the realms of the non-permissible, regardless of race, gender etc. I guess in theory this might be possible but how, and more importantly why, anyone would consider this is the bigger question.

It's good you pointed out about SCA, and you're totally correct. I'd keep engaging positively, it's always better to talk, disagree and still stay talking!