Highest Rated Comments

101Radec85 karma

What was the most unsettling thing you saw or felt?

101Radec5 karma

Here's a hug Eva. For your bravery and compassion that really shows what people are truly capable of.

101Radec1 karma

Here's a question regarding long term humanitarian intervention. From a military standpoint, what do you see is fallible that negates the ability of intervening nations to facilitate the reconstruction of nations. We see many examples from the past few decades that though hard force has been effective in the initial invasion of a state, many invasions on the basis of humanitarian purpose have failed to reform a state. Would like to know if you have any opinions on such sensitive and multifaceted issue. Thank You.

101Radec1 karma

What was the hardest thing for you to get used to after defecting? Also, this is a really odd question, but is there anything that you actually miss back in NK?