Highest Rated Comments

100percent_right_now105 karma

Does this mean you watch Archer? And if so, what are some of your other favourite TV shows?

100percent_right_now54 karma

I assume they'll likely end up doing similar to the regular airline industry and use deicing boots. Effectively a flexible membrane on the leading edge of the wing that can be inflated to break up and drop any ice build up.

100percent_right_now8 karma

He used to suck his own dick, but Ron claims food is better than sucking yourself off so he can't anymore.

100percent_right_now8 karma

Mine is when Vick is throwing the ribs on the ground and he says "Them's black ant's and they like chicken, waffles, watermelon and ribs too" and you say "Damn, Vick, that's a racist ass joke!" hahahaha

100percent_right_now4 karma

Can't even afford 4k TVs man smh /s