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-Mona-7 karma

Palestinians should simply "go away," eh? Nevermind that they live there and have families going back generations.

How enlightened of you.

-Mona-5 karma

Thanks. I've come to feel that Israel has destroyed some of the best aspects of Jewish ethics and culture. Instead of being universalist defenders of rights for all, Zionism has turned many Jews into insular nationalists who defend the indefensible.

My education and background is American law, and I know that this field would be impoverished without some very great Jewish-American minds and the values guiding those minds. Those values, however, are irreconcilable with policies of ethnocracy, militarism and religious separatism.

So, while I can sympathize with the lure of a Zionist nation in response to several millennia of Jewish oppression, I see Zionism destroying some of the best aspects of Jewish culture and ethics. I read Max Blumenthals' book (as well as much else) and feel Zionism has cause too many Jews to become the very hatefilled people they seek to escape.

-Mona-3 karma

David, my second question, this one about BDS.

I'm ambivalent about that movement because I don't know who it might harm, and how much. I opposed sanctions on Iraq, oppose them on Iran, and worry that economic punishment can cause horrible suffering.

Do you think BDS could hurt people in any serious way?

If it merely shames Israel, I have no objection to BDS. My concern is restricted to serious harm, if any, that could result (including to non-Jewish Israelis).

-Mona-3 karma

Ok David, you talked me into it -- I signed up!

My first question goes to the heart of Zionism itself. For most of my life I supported Zionism, and then the Internet began showing me some very ugly things both about how Israel came to be, and how it maintains its "Jewish character."

Basically, I believe I had been wrong to think a heavily militarized ethnocracy can escape evil, no matter whether it is white Christians seeking it, or Jews. It began to dawn on me that I have always been repulsed at notions the U.S. needs to protect its "white" or "Christian" character, and that protecting an ethnic and religious Jewishness cannot be expected to yield more enlightened consequences -- entirely regardless of whether Jewish reasons for embracing militaristic, nationalistic Zionism might be more sympathetic than those of American white racists.

Your thoughts?

-Mona-3 karma

Israel is the only Western democracy founded on ethnic exclusivity -- a mandated ethnic majority. No other Western democracy stands on ethnic purity.