Highest Rated Comments

-Jean-Luc_Discard-53 karma

Not OP, but am also wheelchair-bound. (Obligatory fuck you MS).

Can you just wheel around with it raised at full height?

Yes. But it goes more slowly. The owner's manual it says it zips around at 7 miles per hour normally (a very brisk walk I guess), but if any of the positioning features are set to a certain point, it probably only goes half speed.

do you ever raise it slowly whilst someone’s talking to you just to mildly mess with them?

Well I'm going to now. Actually, it probably makes a little too much noise to get away with it. Maybe in a noisy place?

-Jean-Luc_Discard-20 karma

Am wheelchair-bound, but obviously don't speak for everyone who uses a wheelchair. For me, nothing a child that age could possibly say would offend me in the least. Kids that age are ever curious, but never malicious.

-Jean-Luc_Discard-12 karma

Geeze. They billed my insurance tens of thousands for my new chair. And it isn't fast at all!

-Jean-Luc_Discard-5 karma

Am disabled. Would LOVE to be the driver.

-Jean-Luc_Discard-3 karma

NC. Unfortunately, probably not not close enough to be practical. I'll be rooting for you though!