Brandon Harris

Senior Designer for the Wikimedia Foundation

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jorm1930 karma

I'm a big fan of fantasy and fiction, so I guess it's alright.

jorm1111 karma

Absolutely. Running ads would introduce bias to the articles. We can't do that: "The Deepwater Horizon Disaster", sponsored by BP Energy. If you saw that you'd think that BP had paid for better press, even if they hadn't.

jorm1080 karma

  1. I'm constantly using the site for everything. I actually edit the encyclopedia very rarely anymore, though, since I don't have much time. And I've edited many other wikis.
  2. I think they're both right and wrong. It's a great source for sources, and a great place to learn an overview. But you shouldn't write a paper directly off it.
  3. You're welcome!

jorm1071 karma

Well. I hadn't thought of it in that context before. Now I'm kind of overwhelmed.

jorm1064 karma

That one's pretty good.

Image memes - I'm not entirely sure how they make me feel, to be honest. Some are pointlessly cruel but others are pretty funny.

I've decided only to care about the funny and good ones and let it ride.

jorm991 karma

Yes. Slayer, Sabbath, Metallica, Maiden, Melvins. Those are my go-to bands.

jorm844 karma

It's possibly an superstition but I was told that it prevents your hair from getting too much of the same chemicals bound up in it. I am not a chemist nor am I a beautician, but my girlfriend at the time was.

jorm805 karma

The going rate is one million USD. I've shaved it before - in 2000 - after a trip in Nepal.

When my mom got cancer I offered to shave my head in solidarity with her but she forbade me to do so.

jorm804 karma

I actually switch shampoos and conditioners about every 40 to 60 days. A trick an ex taught me, many years ago.