
Comments: 321 • Responses: 2  • Date: 

Scho56711 karma

Is north an Korean and southern Korean languages different in any significant way due to essentially the time spent apart?

aquariumsofpyongyang2 karma

Hi, so sorry for the late reply, I will now answer your questions!

The most significant difference is the accent. We both use Korean but the accent makes a huge difference. Sometimes if I use my North Korean accent, my friends couldn't understand me.

MamasGottaDance6 karma

Oh wow I've seen your Social Experiment Videos! I think they are super touching. What is it like to film that kind of videos?

aquariumsofpyongyang2 karma

Hi, so sorry for the late reply, I will now answer your questions!

Thank you so much for the support. As we know, there are about 30,000 defectors in North Korea. While we are all seeking to be one Korea, we are in fact, already One with many of them. Through my videos, I hope to spread the awareness that North Koreans are everywhere and we're all living under the same sky.