
Comments: 195 • Responses: 72  • Date: 

iwas99x16 karma

What is your day job?

vitogesualdi17 karma

I am a (very) minority owner of a small tabletop game publisher named White Wizard Games, and the lead graphic designer of our flagship game: Star Realms. The game is actually pretty fun. We've won a ton of awards (SXSW Table Top Game of the Year for one), and it's only like $10-$15 on Amazon. There's also a digital version for phones if you want to try it out, play some test games against the computer.

I also do freelance video work for small video game publishers, mostly making trailers and promotional videos. I try to make stuff that is a bit weird / funny, which appeals to people who are trying to make their game stand out in a super crowded marketplace. Here's one of my favorites (starring me!): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dp-3ddmMv_Y

twistedfork6 karma

Are you ready for all the sales this will generate? I go to several game nights a month and I picked it up because it seemed like a quick learn.

vitogesualdi5 karma

Star Realms? Yeah it basically funded our company for the past two years.

twistedfork6 karma

Nah, I meant all the sales this little post will generate. I mean, I almost never buy the games people plug because they are full scale board games ($40+) and I'm cheap. $13 was a good impulse buy price though.

vitogesualdi2 karma

If anything, I hope people give the mobile version a try. Easy way to figure out if you like the game (it's very addictive)

PIP_SHORT3 karma

Holy shit you did graphic design for Star Realms? Blob Carrier is one of the most beautiful designs I've seen in any card game, including MTG. Pure imagination.

I highly encourage anyone who enjoys card games or board games or sci-fi stuff to try this game. It's nothing like Magic the Gathering, it really has its own style. It's super fun.

vitogesualdi6 karma

Someday society will understand the difference between "illustrator" and "graphic designer" but thank you. I hope you like the frame on Blob Carrier.

PIP_SHORT4 karma

My bad.

I'm always wishing people knew the difference between "composer" "arranger" and "producer", so I know how you feel.

vitogesualdi6 karma

Haha, it's no problem. I just always feel like I have to introduce myself with: "I am the graphic designer, I did not draw anything"

theshadowofdoubt1 karma

Is that why you're trying to get out of the design business? :p

I'm trying to become a designer so I'm always curious about what turns people away from the career

vitogesualdi1 karma

It was always a hobby to begin with, just a hobby I happened to be pretty good at.

AsianNudleSoop8 karma

How did you get the idea for this? Did you wake up this morning,"I think I'll give diabetes in a can to a police officer with an M4 or some shit like that to break a riot"?

vitogesualdi13 karma

I think I had the same thought a lot of people had after seeing that Pepsi ad. I was like "yeah, I doubt bringing a bunch of Pepsi to a protest is what's gonna convince cops to stop shooting black people."

Then a week or so later I found out a big protest was happening. Originally I was just going to go for the hell of it but then remembered the Pepsi ad, and though "hell, let's give it a try." Quickly bought a GoPro and... well I guess it ended up being much funnier than anyone expected.

iwas99x2 karma

What were people protesting over?

vitogesualdi34 karma

It was a mix, but it basically breaks down into two camps:

The right: angry dudes who like to yell about freedom while trying to beat people up

The left: milquetoast college kids in skinny jeans there to play anarchist for a day

MiniMiniM81 karma

Thats what it devolved into but it didn't start that way no? It started out as a free speech event and then the antifa showed up and the people retaliating/Fucking shit up was the right. But the people who started/attended the event weren't just right wing.

Or maybe that was another one of your 100 riots over there in America. I confuse them.

vitogesualdi1 karma

Hard to tell. Yes Antifa stormed the event but many of the guys on the right were eagerly anticipating the provocation.

My takeaway is that after you argue on the internet long enough, the opportunity to punch your ideological opponents is very appealing. People on both sides showed up looking for a fight.

Snowbank_Lake6 karma

I wish you all the best in pursuing a career in comedy! Do you ever get worried though, when we see how many famous comedians are struggling with depression and other personal problems? I love comedy but always wonder how much suffering could be going on inside the person making me laugh.

vitogesualdi10 karma

I can report that I, like most comedians I know, suffer from intense depression and anxiety. Comedians are typically very intelligent people, and that intelligence mixed with the ability to astutely recognize the absurdities of life (necessary for comedy!) can sometimes be overbearing.

Not sure if that makes sense.

Conchobair5 karma

Did pepsi pay you to make an ad for them or did you make an ad for them of your own volition?

vitogesualdi9 karma

hides the millions of Pepsi dollars

My own volition

corgonin3 karma

What is your favorite kind of sandwich?

vitogesualdi6 karma

Man that's hard. Lately I've been obsessed with the brie and butter sandwich from Twin Peaks for no good reason. I just keep buying nice french bread and brie and eating it.

iwas99x2 karma

How do you afford to live in Northern California?

vitogesualdi9 karma

I live in a town that has gone bankrupt 5 times in an apartment that is much too small for me, my girlfriend, and our five cats.

iwas99x1 karma

Why 5 cats, when one is enough?

vitogesualdi14 karma

I had one cat. It got pregnant and made four cats.

nivekc7112 karma

Was the Pepsi cold?

vitogesualdi3 karma

Nope! That being said, it was kind of hot out, so even warm Pepsi tasted okay.

Babygoatmews2 karma

How does it feel to get your reddit karma stolen?

vitogesualdi5 karma

I don't care about the karma honestly! Lots of other people posted my video and I was super thankful they were spreading it around. What bummed me out was that he had not only altered the video, but didn't include a link to the original in his post. That's bad form man.

As a comedian and a small creator, I make sure to link anybody whose stuff I might borrow, and try to use as little of it as possible unless I have explicit permission.

iwas99x2 karma

Why were people mad at Bagels?

vitogesualdi4 karma

One of the antifa kids had tipped over a garbage can full of leftover baked goods, I assume from a nearby cafe or something. So yeah, they were having a good time lobbing bagels at the side of the street I was on.

Thopterthallid0 karma

And you put one in your mouth?

vitogesualdi2 karma

That was a trash bagel, yes.

Editing magic: I took a bite but cut away before I spit it out

iwas99x1 karma

Did you you expect your video to get so popular?

vitogesualdi4 karma

My plan for my YouTube channel was to get 1,000 subscribers by the end of the year. My previous video I got 35 subscribers and was super excited about it.

So no. I thought if I was lucky, maybe 20k views.

iwas99x1 karma

Did you ever think your video would get so many up votes and comments?

vitogesualdi2 karma

No. This has been a very weird experience. Rewarding since I've been chasing after comedy success my whole life, but also super scary since now I don't know what to do with all these eyeballs on me.

iwas99x1 karma

Did you try to get on America's got talent and Last Comic standing?

vitogesualdi1 karma

No. Sadly I've been out of the stand-up comedy game for awhile (took some years off to finish a still unpublished novel) but I'm looking to jump back in.

iwas99x1 karma

What is the novel about? How many pages about? Why can't you find a publisher? Do you think fame from YouTube and Reddit can you in touch with right people to get it published?

vitogesualdi2 karma

It is a very weird book about two teenagers in the year 2050 who have to become domestic terrorists in order to prevent a psychopathic celebrity from becoming president, a man who is preparing to start World War III to fulfill an ancient space prophecy.

It took me ten years to write it. I am personally very proud of it, but I think it is too weird for regular publishers to touch. Maybe if I keep getting popular I can find an editor to help me touch it up and release it digitally.

iwas99x1 karma

How many Pepsi' did you end up giving away to police?

vitogesualdi2 karma

Zero, except for the guy who confiscated one

iwas99x1 karma

Did the Pepsi people contact you yet?

vitogesualdi2 karma

No, and I can't imagine they will. I do like to imagine that some marketing executive somewhere is super pissed off at me.

iwas99x1 karma

How often do you eat food left on the street?

vitogesualdi4 karma

Street food is the good food

iwas99x1 karma

Do you draw any inspiration from Robert Smigel and Triumph The Insult Comic Dog, Jay Leno, Conan O' Brien/ for your on the street funny interaction videos?

vitogesualdi2 karma

I never watched a lot of late night talk shows growing up, but I love Conan, and definitely have some influence from him in my work.

Honestly, I think it just sort of evolved out of the work I was doing. I was writing for a site called GameZone.com, doing really boring interviews with developers, and figured "man I should just joke around with these people and get some good footage."

Phonics_Wright1 karma

What other events do you plan to invade with Pepsi?

vitogesualdi5 karma

I don't think the Pepsi joke has much legs left after this

iwas99x1 karma

How often are you on reddit and what are your favorite subreddits?

vitogesualdi4 karma

I'm on reddit daily. I don't post a lot but mostly scope r/games and r/mtg for news, then swing by r/publicfreakout to see if anybody lost their mind and beat somebody up in a Wendy's yesterday.

A few other subreddits I like but not ones that I think should be mentioned here...

iwas99x1 karma

How much did you spend at Target on all that Pepsi?

vitogesualdi4 karma

3 for $12 so... $24. But! It rang up at the register at full price. I had to fight for that discount!

iwas99x1 karma

Where do you usually do your comedy routines in the bay area?

vitogesualdi2 karma

Sadly I've been so busy with work (and battling my crippling anxiety) that I really only get out for stand-up when a fellow comedian is kind enough to drag me out of my house and get me on stage.

Once I get my car fixed, I'm going to refill my prescription and figure out a regular open mic venue.

iwas99x1 karma

Which comedians do you draw inspiration from and model your act/routine on?

vitogesualdi2 karma

Interestingly, I think the greatest influence on my work has been growing up in the wild frontier of internet comedy, back before YouTube was even a thing. I was watching Lonely Island videos back before they ever appeared on YouTube (look up the Nintendo Cartoon Hour), and was obsessed with Channel101.com in middle school (a video portal / film festival of sorts run by Dan Harmon, who would go on to make Community and Rick & Morty). Oh and Newgrounds, how many hours I wasted on Newgrounds...

For current comedians, there's just no one above Louis C.K.. No one even comes close.

iwas99x1 karma

What are your favorite comedy TV shows?

vitogesualdi2 karma

Rick & Morty is number one.

And uh... man comedy on television has been really bad lately! Nothing comes close to the glory days of The Office and 30 Rock. I kind of just watch reruns of those.

I guess Kimmy Schmidt is an okay 30 Rock followup.

I don't have cable.

iwas99x1 karma

Check out Aqua Teen Hunger Force, King of the Hill, Nathan for you, drunk history, Portlandia, Seinfeld, Angie Tribeca, Impractical, Jokers, and 1990s episodes of the Simpsons.

vitogesualdi2 karma

AQTH, KOTH, Nathan, Seinfeld and Simpsons are all in my tops list.

I keep forgetting Nathan For You exists. That guy is a genius. Oh and Eric Andre.

iwas99x1 karma

What are your favorite comedy movies?

vitogesualdi3 karma

My favorite comedy movies from when I was a kid were BASEketball and Mallrats, and I still love them!

I haven't been a huge fan of most recent comedy movies. The stuff doesn't feel as down to earth as it used to, and the high-budgets aren't helping. I'll give a nod to the classic Sandler duo of Happy Gilmore and Billy Madison, and some respect to Judd Apatow for 40 Year Old Virgin and Superbad, but both of those guys have kind of been disappointing me lately.

iwas99x1 karma

Do like Farrelly Brothers movies?

vitogesualdi1 karma

Farrelly Brothers

I like Kingpin and I respect Dumb & Dumber. That's about it.

iwas99x1 karma

Do you think you might get media interviews over the video from Jimmy kimmel or radio stations or something if this blows up bigger than it is at this very minute?

vitogesualdi1 karma

I don't know! People have told me to send it in but I really couldn't figure out how to get in touch with those sorts of people.

iwas99x1 karma

What are your favorite video games to play?

vitogesualdi1 karma

I am a huge video game collector, I have literally thousands of games (and a place far too small to hold them, so they are mostly sitting in storage). Lately I've been trying to complete my Neo Geo Pocket collection, if anybody knows what that is.

I play anything, but tend to gravitate towards Japanese games, since those are the ones I grew up with. Currently playing Breath of the Wild and hoping to make time for Persona 5.

I'm also a big card game fanatic. I used to run a website (DraftMagic.com) for people who play Magic: the Gathering online, and I've lately been playing some Hearthstone and the Pokemon TCG Online.

I was actually hard at work finishing up the design on my own card game when this success hit, but I'm hoping I can get back to it and see about doing a Kickstarter.

iwas99x1 karma

Have you played games from across the last 30 years from Snes to Sega to Dreamcast to ps1 to Xbox and so on?

vitogesualdi1 karma

I own all of the consoles you have mentioned, yes. Checking my database I currently own 333 original NES games (including duplicates).

iwas99x1 karma

Did you ever play a Sega game gear? Those seem rare now. Nintendo 64 has an awkward controller.

vitogesualdi1 karma

The Game Gear sucks. Terrible battery life, feels bad in your hands. And yeah, I still hate the N64 controller. So easily breakable.

iwas99x1 karma

What did you major in in college?

vitogesualdi1 karma

I have a two year associates degree in English from a community college, and it was a complete waste of my time. My advice to people interested in purely creative fields like video, art, comedy/acting, writing, really sit down and consider whether you need classical training in such a thing, or whether you'd be better off just creating as much as you can and letting your skills naturally evolve.

That being said, I think many people need the structured college experience to get shit done, and I get that. Personally I hate school more than anything in the world and spent all of High School playing gameboy, in class, every period (hidden behind my backpack of course).

iwas99x1 karma

Your favorite delivery pizza?

vitogesualdi1 karma

My father owns a Domino's Pizza franchise, so I would be written out of the will if I didn't say: Domino's.

Their deep dish crust is actually pretty good.

iwas99x1 karma

Your favorite fast food burger?

vitogesualdi2 karma

Shit, I eat a lot of McDoubles. There's just something wonderful about how simplistic they are.

iwas99x1 karma

Quarter pounder with cheese and fries, a Mc flurry, a mcmuffin, a big breakfast, so many delicious and kinda cheap. Ever notice how people never admit to eating at McDonald's as if it were going into a porno store?

vitogesualdi2 karma

I am often ridiculed by friends who are "too good" for McDonalds. And then we all go eat at Taco Bell...

iwas99x1 karma

Your favorite candy bar?

vitogesualdi1 karma

I'm not much for sweets. American chocolate tastes like a sickness to me. I like a good dark chocolate though.

iwas99x1 karma

How tall are you?

vitogesualdi1 karma


iwas99x1 karma

Do you ever ask questions on other people's AMA's?

vitogesualdi1 karma

I'm more of a lurker to be honest. Whenever I do post something, it's usually too late for anyone to notice.

iwas99x1 karma

Are you in relatively good health?

vitogesualdi1 karma

Hell no! I'm on Obamacare and probably dying

iwas99x1 karma

I hope this is half satire or full satire.

vitogesualdi1 karma

I uh... I have some serious medical issues which I need to have diagnosed. Hopefully not dying but something is wrong.

iwas99x1 karma

Can you do any good voice impersonations?

vitogesualdi1 karma

It is well known among my friends that my impersonations are absolutely horrid and usually just sound racist.

iwas99x1 karma

How often do you go back to visit Massachusetts?

vitogesualdi1 karma

At least once a year. The flight is a pain in the ass.

iwas99x1 karma

What topics are you tired of hearing comedians talk about?

[deleted]1 karma


iwas99x1 karma

I'm confused how that answers the question.

vitogesualdi2 karma

Oops, I replied to the wrong thing.

I don't like gross out humor. Farts, dicks, vaginas, semen, vomit, poop... ew.

iwas99x1 karma

Who is your celebrity crush?

vitogesualdi1 karma

Christina Hendricks is the hottest woman on this planet.

iwas99x1 karma

If were a DJ, what would your DJ name be?

vitogesualdi1 karma

MC Jizzdaddy

iwas99x1 karma

Do you have any art skills?

vitogesualdi1 karma

Yeah, kind of! Graphic design is my day job but I'm okay at doodling. Sadly, the stuff I draw is usually NSFW.

iwas99x1 karma

So are people in Berkeley usually uptight and angry?

vitogesualdi1 karma

Berkeley is a wretched hive of scum and hippies. I do not fit in there.

iwas99x1 karma

Have you ever recorded yourself playing videogames and trolling people playing online saying funny stuff to the other online players like motor oil makes a good hair tonic and your farts are canned in mason jars??

vitogesualdi1 karma

I have made Let's Plays, yes.

iwas99x1 karma

What is your favorite food to make in the microwave?

vitogesualdi1 karma

I have not owned a microwave for over a year and it's a surprisingly weird experience.

iwas99x1 karma

Is San Francisco the weirdest city in the USA?

vitogesualdi2 karma

I wouldn't know. I don't have any desire to spend an hour in traffic so I can eat a $14 street taco.

iwas99x1 karma

What type of music do you listen to?

vitogesualdi2 karma

Guided by Voices is my favorite band of all time. Their music has had a profound impact on my life. Here's the first song of theirs that pops to mind:


Other than that, I don't tend to fall in love with particular artists. I just tend to find one song I like and listen to it over and over and over.

iwas99x1 karma

Do you have any cool tattoos?

vitogesualdi1 karma


iwas99x1 karma

Have you ever noticed how crazy and obsessed with cats Reddit is?

vitogesualdi1 karma

As someone who is also just normally obsessed with cats, I don't notice

iwas99x1 karma

Have you thought about making a funny video with cats?

vitogesualdi1 karma

I have five cats, so yes.

iwas99x1 karma

If you were you in a food eating contest of winner that eats the most in 10 minutes, what food would you want it to be?

vitogesualdi1 karma

I think sushi could be good. At least there'd be some variety.

iwas99x1 karma

What is the funniest TV commercial airing right now?

vitogesualdi1 karma

I don't have cable, so all of them (or none of them?)

millnoc1 karma

Why weren't you a world beater at magic cards?

vitogesualdi1 karma

A World Beater?

_______31 karma

Did you actually support the protets, or did you go to make a funny video?

Sidebar: What do you think the protests were about?

vitogesualdi2 karma

I am avoiding taking sides. I think the protests were about people who really wanted to have a good time trying to beat each other up.

idksammi1 karma

did anyone claim their items at the lost and found?

vitogesualdi1 karma

Sadly, no

Bernies_Lakehouse1 karma

Hilarious video. Do you think Bernie can still win? Have the superdelegates voted yet? Did you attempt to get Kendall Jenner to make an appearance in your video?

vitogesualdi1 karma

Here's how Bernie can still win

iwas99x1 karma

What do you think of the Impractical Jokers guys?

vitogesualdi3 karma

Never seen 'em

iwas99x1 karma

Will you make more videos of making fun of fake outrage stories?

vitogesualdi2 karma

That's the plan. Just gotta figure out where to go and what to film.

Upperphonny0 karma

How did that bagel taste?

vitogesualdi2 karma

Like victory.

jcbbjjttt0 karma

Hey Vito, how do lightsabers work?

vitogesualdi1 karma