My short bio: Hello, I’m Jon Foreman, lead singer of the band Switchfoot, and on Friday I’m releasing the 4th EP of a 4 EP series, The Wonderlands. Then on Saturday I’m embarking on a journey to play 25 shows in 24 hours, in my hometown of San Diego. Check for all the info on both The Wonderlands and 25 in 24.

My Proof:

Comments: 453 • Responses: 25  • Date: 

lhog4evr27 karma

Hey Jon! Thanks for doing this! How has being a father changed the way you see your career as a musician? Related, has it changed the way you feel/think about the music you've written, recorded, and performed?

Jon_Foreman11 karma

Hey Jon! Thanks for doing this! How has being a father changed the way you see your career as a musician? Related, has it changed the way you feel/think about the music you've written, recorded, and performed?

Thanks for the questions, y'all

Being a father has changed everything- I see the world in a different way. all the songs have a different meaning. It's larger conversation but it's a huge seismic change in my world.

Jon_Foreman7 karma

Hey Jon! Thanks for doing this! How has being a father changed the way you see your career as a musician? Related, has it changed the way you feel/think about the music you've written, recorded, and performed?

Thanks for the questions y'all

Wow. Hard to know where to start. It's a larger conversation, but being a father has changed everything for me. Its a huge seismic change in my understanding of the world.

elulswept13 karma

Why do you do what you do?

Jon_Foreman13 karma

Why do you do what you do?

I fell in love with music before I could talk. I loved where it took me- music was my transportation. For me, music is scaffolding for the soul. So I play music to get places- looking for hope, meaning, purpose, and release.

miron515513 karma

Hi Jon! How you can describe Switchfoot record #10? Is this record similar to others? if yes tell to which one the most

Jon_Foreman19 karma

Hi Jon! How you can describe Switchfoot record #10? Is this record similar to others? if yes tell to which one the most

hmmmmm... we're still throwing paint at the wall without trying to define the canvas.

We are approaching the writing process in a completely different way, influenced by the way Dr Dre and a few others have approached the song writing process. Longer story, but really been a fun process!

LoverOfTheCreative12 karma

will 25 in 24 be filmed? this event is huge and some of it's gotta be captured on film. college broadcasting student seeking to build a video portfolio willing to help! good luck jon! you're gonna kill it!

Jon_Foreman12 karma

will 25 in 24 be filmed? this event is huge and some of it's gotta be captured on film. college broadcasting student seeking to build a video portfolio willing to help! good luck jon! you're gonna kill it!

thanks- yeah, come down and film it with us, sounds fun!

pambfromsc11 karma

Is it weird I finally figured out how to post a question and it's exactly 4:12 where I live?

Jon_Foreman13 karma

super weird ...

Jon_Foreman11 karma

hey everyone!

thanks for the amazing questions- for the folks coming to the #25in24 event- I'll see you soon.

for everyone else, I'm gonna try to periscope a few of em. I'll see you round

peace! jon

barrelsbottom10 karma

What keeps you going every day? Did you ever feel like giving up along the way?

Jon_Foreman42 karma

What keeps you going every day? Did you ever feel like giving up along the way?

I get discouraged sometimes - just like everyone. I question whether my music/life/work matters at all.

The danger is letting other people define your soul's worth. Sometimes folks will like what you do, other times they'll hate it.

But I continually remind myself that I do NOT matter as a result of what I do, I matter because of who I AM. I am not a "human doing" but a "human being. " I matter simply because I was made in the image of the unmade maker, and I am loved by Love.

jackshiels9 karma

Hey Jon!

I'm a classical guitarist student in South Africa. Loved your show when you came down here. I also really enjoy your new stuff - "My Coffin" has a neat time signature ;)

Your songs dwell a lot on the concept of death being necessary for rebirth. What personal experiences have you had that influenced this theme?

Looking forward to the latest EP!

Jon_Foreman27 karma

Hey Jon! I'm a classical guitarist student in South Africa. Loved your show when you came down here. I also really enjoy your new stuff - "My Coffin" has a neat time signature ;) Your songs dwell a lot on the concept of death being necessary for rebirth. What personal experiences have you had that influenced this theme? Looking forward to the latest EP!

yo south africa!

glad you like "my coffin" the time signature is 7 with a bridge in 5 (I think?!)

I constantly wrestle with the polarity of the human condition- stuck between birth and death. But not just that- we're head tight in tension between faith and doubt, love and fear, etc... I picture these like guitar strings strung in tension across the guitar.

I think the tendency is to run towards one end or the other- or try to alleviate the tension. But maybe our role here is to make music with the tension. Just as a guitar can only play when the strings are stretched tight.

With that in mind, I feel like dying to myself is a daily task necessary for true abundant life.

pragya_t7 karma

So glad to finally see Mercy's war on Dawn EP, beautifully written. What is the inspiration behind that tune?

Jon_Foreman8 karma

So glad to finally see Mercy's war on Dawn EP, beautifully written. What is the inspiration behind that tune?

Good question- here's the question that inspired the song:

If Mercy waged war on Hate, what would it look like?

brettx27 karma

Will there be a vinyl set of the new EPs?

Jon_Foreman10 karma

Will there be a vinyl set of the new EPs?


FaceRake6 karma

Jon! You manage to do a lot of "acrobatics" at your shows (climbing up balconies, handrails, etc.). Have you ever injured yourself during a show? Thanks!

Jon_Foreman14 karma

Jon! You manage to do a lot of "acrobatics" at your shows (climbing up balconies, handrails, etc.). Have you ever injured yourself during a show? Thanks!

many times...

I've got a couple scars (a few on my face) ... though saying it here sounds more rock and roll than it really is. eating it is never fun.

reglynwal5 karma

What motivates you to dive into the crowd at every show?

Jon_Foreman20 karma

What motivates you to dive into the crowd at every show?

I love people. I am one of them and they are one of me.

black_flag_4ever4 karma

What are the last five records you listened to?

Jon_Foreman12 karma

What are the last five records you listened to?

tchaikovsky's nutcracker bibio, mind bokeh beatles, sgt. peppers vampire weekend, modern vampires of the city silento, watch me (whip, nae nae)

footsoldiers1823 karma

Inheritance is probably in my top 5 Wonderlands song list. I'm just curious, but is it a love song?

Jon_Foreman7 karma

Inheritance is probably in my top 5 Wonderlands song list. I'm just curious, but is it a love song?

As far as I can tell- its definitely an honest story!

swsidney3 karma

Hi Jon. I'm such a fan of yours. I love falling asleep to The Wonderlands: Darkness. It's wonderful, as are you. What is your favorite song off of the album? Are you having any concerts in North Carolina soon? I'd love to go see you in concert. You rock, have a great day.

Jon_Foreman6 karma

[–]swsidney 1 point 10 minutes ago Hi Jon. I'm such a fan of yours. I love falling asleep to The Wonderlands: Darkness. It's wonderful, as are you. What is your favorite song off of the album? Are you having any concerts in North Carolina soon? I'd love to go see you in concert. You rock, have a great day.

I love that you fall asleep to my music! that's a high compliment... I used to fall asleep to three mile pilot all through college

I really like playing terminal, before our time, caroline, and patron saint

admiralsfan2 karma

Happy birthday in two days Jon! What's your favorite song to play live?

Jon_Foreman11 karma

Happy birthday in two days Jon! What's your favorite song to play live?

thanks! It changes every night- I really enjoy playing new tunes, usually for myself. But I love the communal experience of singing with a crowd of folks on a tune that's more familiar. Like Dare You to Move

kdavis10312 karma

I am curious about the #25in24 shows. We have tickets for the ones that are at the Bro-am studios but are we supposed to get a list of where the others are when we get there?

Jon_Foreman3 karma

I am curious about the #25in24 shows. We have tickets for the ones that are at the Bro-am studios but are we supposed to get a list of where the others are when we get there?


for the folks that bought the VIP you'll get and advance list-

for everyone else, I'm gonna tweet em out as I go.


AnnaJudenCreates2 karma

Hey Jon! I really enjoyed Fading West! Will you be coming back to New Zealand anytime soon to surf or play?

Jon_Foreman3 karma

Hey Jon! I really enjoyed Fading West! Will you be coming back to New Zealand anytime soon to surf or play?

yes please- I love New Zealand! let's do this

Hellgato2 karma

How did you guys end up at Soundwave for Fading West? Was it planned for the film or some other reason? Any chance at a tour with Steel Panther? ;)

Jon_Foreman8 karma

How did you guys end up at Soundwave for Fading West? Was it planned for the film or some other reason? Any chance at a tour with Steel Panther? ;)

I love those guys- not sure the solo stuff would fit with Steel Panther - but maybe Tacos of Darkness?

lancer15tnt2 karma

Loved the surfing scenes in Fading West. What's your favorite vacation spot in the world?

Jon_Foreman5 karma

Loved the surfing scenes in Fading West. What's your favorite vacation spot in the world?

my favorite spots to surf are Uluwatu, Honolua Bay, and home sweet home

littlecynd1 karma

Jon, thx for this session. Loving The Wonderlands. Are you planning anymore concert dates after Dawn is released? Maybe Cincy?

Jon_Foreman3 karma

Jon, thx for this session. Loving The Wonderlands. Are you planning anymore concert dates after Dawn is released? Maybe Cincy?

Maybe! why not?

jawknee211 karma

How do you plan on being as alive at the first show as the last one? Taking it easy the whole time? Red Bull? Rockstar?

Jon_Foreman2 karma

How do you plan on being as alive at the first show as the last one? Taking it easy the whole time? Red Bull? Rockstar?

I'm a coffee man. and espresso. (and I'm not sure how we'll pull it off, to be completely honest!)

slippingtides1 karma

Hey Jon! I love the concept of a song for each hour of the day. How did you go about deciding which songs belong to which hour and at what points one EP ends and the next begins?

Jon_Foreman3 karma

Hey Jon! I love the concept of a song for each hour of the day. How did you go about deciding which songs belong to which hour and at what points one EP ends and the next begins?

good question, I tried to use the day/night as a metaphor for faith/doubt, death/birth, etc...

so I pictured the light for that time of day and tried to choose/write/produce songs that would be appropriate for the light/ darkness for that time of day.

It's very subjective, of course, but even the way that instruments were played can have a dramatic effect on the tone of the song. A cello, for example can have a wide range in the spectrum of light and dark from pizzicato to bowed. etc...

Raleighmo1 karma

Hi Jon! I've loved reading interviews from you about your beliefs and creative disposition. What would you say to someone who enjoys song writing but has a hard time turning off their "inner critic?" I love song writing on guitar but I'm way to hard on myself on what I write. Thanks so much!

Jon_Foreman4 karma

Hi Jon! I've loved reading interviews from you about your beliefs and creative disposition. What would you say to someone who enjoys song writing but has a hard time turning off their "inner critic?" I love song writing on guitar but I'm way to hard on myself on what I write. Thanks so much!

I feel like two voices are needed to write a good song: the critic and the child.

The child finds beauty everywhere. "Chairs are amazing! Lets write a song about chairs!" On the other hand, the critic critiques the artwork and finds the flaws. "Writing a song about chairs is a horrible idea. And the chorus doesn't grab me."

If only the child is speaking, you get a bunch of uninformed art.

If only the critic is speaking, you get micro-managed art, or hardly any art at all.

Sometimes you have to approach the art from a different perspective to be able to trick one voice to speak up. The older you get, the quieter the child inside you becomes.