
Comments: 519 • Responses: 58  • Date: 

Reset108133 karma

Did you win the lottery? How are you able to pay for all of this?

onceuponasaga3 karma

The $20/day budget covers everything and is meant as an average over the entire journey. In some countries I'm above while in other countries I'm below. My current overall average is above but so far I have covered most of the expensive countries. I see it coming down and believe that the budget will stick (more or less). It's sponsored by Ross Offshore.

Surgeboy9999 karma

This is the 6th time you have done this AMA? Why?

onceuponasaga73 karma

The project is constantly moving forward and I have now reached 75 countries. I will cross the Atlantic Ocean and visit all 54 African countries next. New questions and answers arise.

Also there where thousands of questions I couldn't answer last time.

Totally_Not_Fat92 karma

How do you plan on entering North-Korea?

onceuponasaga5 karma

Either with a tourist visa or with help from the Red Cross that are represented inside the country. It's hard to say exactly because much can change. Recently the borders were completely closed :)

Soundchecks51 karma

Hey! I'm sure that you are a great guy and I want to wish you good luck for the countries you are about visit for the next years. But one thing. What do you think about this guy? He has also visited all the countries without flying.

onceuponasaga6 karma

He's a great guy, but the journalist did not do his/her work :)

When I reached Panama I met Graham Hughes who confirmed that he actually flew on 5-6 occasions although he came back to the same location in order to continue his journey. To this I say that you wouldn’t break a marathon into pieces by running 5 km today, 3 tomorrow, 6 the next day and so on. We also talked about how he visited 7 countries in 1 day and why he only spent 30 seconds in North Korea but still claims it counts as a visit. This is the “completion element” of the journey. While I respect Graham Hughes as an outstanding adventurer I cannot back his claim as being the first person to visit every country without flying.

On Once Upon a Saga it has been decided that the following rules must be observed: 1) minimum 24 hours in each country. 2) absolutely no flights. 3) no return to your home country until the end.

hezbulgravy36 karma


onceuponasaga27 karma

I think I'll go to Mogadishu which is the capital. But I'll need to assess how safe that is when I approach.

atlien02553 karma

How do you expect to get through Iraq /Syria right now with all of the lovely things happening over there?

onceuponasaga5 karma

Hi, I'm not going to do it right now. I'll be crossing the Atlantic Ocean now and soon I will get started on the 54 countries that make up Africa.

Things change and the situation may be different in a years time. I'll need to do some careful planing and a lot of investigating as I approach. There are generally safe zones. It's a good question.

nolasagne23 karma

What sort of towel are you bringing with you?

onceuponasaga16 karma

You made me pull it out of the bag :)

It's a Zenit microfiber. Antibacterial super absorbent.

beetnemesis20 karma

Are you afraid of flying?

onceuponasaga29 karma

Hi, no - not at all :)

No one in history has ever gone to every country in the world without setting foot in an airplane. So this is an attempt to push that barrier. And hopefully it will inspire some people along the way.

But also I think crossing land borders, voyaging across oceans and seas, staying out of airports and security checks allows me to meet far more people and create a generally more interesting journey.

Tabstercom39 karma

whate about this brit i thought he has already gone to every country in the world without setting foot in an airplane

onceuponasaga5 karma

Hi, I wonder what kind of research those journalist did? :)

When I reached Panama I met Graham Hughes who confirmed that he actually flew on 5-6 occasions although he came back to the same location in order to continue his journey. To this I say that you wouldn’t break a marathon into pieces by running 5 km today, 3 tomorrow, 6 the next day and so on. We also talked about how he visited 7 countries in 1 day and why he only spent 30 seconds in North Korea but still claims it counts as a visit. This is the “completion element” of the journey. While I respect Graham Hughes as an outstanding adventurer I cannot back his claim as being the first person to visit every country without flying.

On Once Upon a Saga it has been decided that the following rules must be observed: 1) minimum 24 hours in each country. 2) absolutely no flights. 3) no return to your home country until the end.

segablaze25 karma

Think you're a little late, a redditor travelled to each country by train I believe.

onceuponasaga4 karma

Wow!! Even all the island nations in the pacific? I didn't see any trains throughout the Caribbean? What an amazing redditor :)

Tabstercom2 karma

what about this brit i thought he had already gone to every country in the world without setting foot in an airplane

fucked up commented twice

onceuponasaga2 karma

I have a lot of respect for Graham Hughes. He is a formidable adventurer and he did something amazing with his project. He inspired many people and shined a lot of positive light on countries which many know very little about.

However, no one in history has ever gone to every country in the world without setting foot in an airplane.

When I reached Panama I met Graham Hughes who confirmed that he actually flew on 5-6 occasions although he came back to the same location in order to continue his journey. To this I say that you wouldn’t break a marathon into pieces by running 5 km today, 3 tomorrow, 6 the next day and so on. We also talked about how he visited 7 countries in 1 day and why he only spent 30 seconds in North Korea but still claims it counts as a visit. This is the “completion element” of the journey. While I respect Graham Hughes as an outstanding adventurer I cannot back his claim as being the first person to visit every country without flying.

On Once Upon a Saga it has been decided that the following rules must be observed: 1) minimum 24 hours in each country. 2) absolutely no flights. 3) no return to your home country until the end.

InRemington20 karma

How Did you chose the route, or the order in which you'd see all countries?

onceuponasaga5 karma

Well done, I don't think I've had that question before.

I wanted to build up a lot of countries quickly. Europe is perfect for that. The reason was to get attention for the project so that it would have an impact on as many people as possible. I "can always" go and visit the European countries. They are right outside my door. Besides I want to start and finish in my home country which is Denmark.

I'm a logistics coordinator by trade and I thought it made more sense to cross the North Atlantic to reach North America. From there it made good sense to continue down south country by country.

I is strategically important to have to the Pacific Ocean towards the end as it is difficult in terms of a few connections between the islands. So hopefully there will be so much hype about the project towards the end that I will be able to boar whatever few vessels exists.

Therefore Africa, the Middle East and Asia had to come between that.

And that's the route :)

mudslamp19 karma

are you afraid to be captured by ISIS when you travel to that specific region?

onceuponasaga2 karma

No, I'll try to obtain good information about which regions they control as I near them...and then stay clear. Luckily they only hold regional control and do not dominate any countries.

mikkoxdd16 karma

What's the most dangerous thing that you encountered along your journey?

onceuponasaga29 karma

I found myself in a very dodgy part of Panama City where the residents looked at me with eyes that were screaming: "I can't believe he is here?!" I stayed very cautious and made my way out again. Later on I learned that it might have been the most dangerous part of the city.

Also I crossed from Venezuela to Trinidad in a small open boat with two strangers. In hindsight that might not have been super smart. But it went well.

Dinosaurstatus4 karma

Which parts of Panama city where you in? it must have been a really bad place so people looked at you that way. Maybe it was the beard.

onceuponasaga4 karma

Haha :) Yeah - should shave :)

I can't remember the name. But a taxi driver later that day drove by and told me NEVER EVER to go in there. I responded that I was in there a few hours ago. He looked at me like as if he had seen a ghost :)

MrSomalianCinema2 karma

Panama City, FL? :)

onceuponasaga3 karma

Panama City, Panama :)

slaystation2514 karma

Been following your Facebook page for quite some time. I recommend everyone who's on Facebook to do so. Very interesting posts and blogs.

My questions

  • How are you funding yourself, and what's your daily budget?

  • How do you not have problems acquiring Visas?

onceuponasaga11 karma

What a compliment! Thank you!!

Visas have not been an issue in the Western Hemisphere. But now that Africa is coming up the picture will change. It's pretty good to have a finish passport when you travel. The Swedish is even better I've read.

The $20/day budget covers everything and is meant as an average over the entire journey. In some countries I'm above while in other countries I'm below. My current overall average is above but so far I have covered most of the expensive countries. I see it coming down and believe that the budget will stick (more or less). It's sponsored by Ross Offshore.

eudamme14 karma

Hey I've heard of you before! (First AMA I viewed)

On a completely unrelated note, how do you deal with boredom travelling long distances?

onceuponasaga25 karma

That's a fun question :) I'm becoming a master of sleeping anywhere. No matter how load the music is on the bus or how bumpy the road is :)

I love listening to music and look at the landscape gliding by. Often I have long interesting conversations with other passengers.

And I download TED talks and watch them whenever possible :)

wattohhh12 karma

Which country are you most afraid of entering and why? And which country are you most excited to enter and why?

onceuponasaga2 karma

Perhaps still Somalia, although I have heard much good about the northern region. I'm not to worried anymore. The country is shaping up. But a large part of it is still troublesome.

I went to Iran years ago. It was a wonderful experience. I am looking forward to revisiting. But there are many countries. So many that I can't mention them all :)

chifrijo9 karma

Does it bother you, rather chasing a record than actually getting to know any of the countries in detail?

onceuponasaga9 karma

I've lived most of my live in Denmark and have still to see everything and understand our little spit of land. I'm unsure what it takes to rally understand a country and see it all. It's a good question.

This like tasting the frosting but not getting to eat the cake. I spend a few days, sometimes weeks in each country. I have "an idea" about where I am in the world. And hopefully I get to come back to the places that caught my interest the most.

probably_normal6 karma

Who is the coolest person you've met so far? Why?

And, do you think you are going to make some lifelong friends? Or do you lose touch with most people you meet?

onceuponasaga15 karma

I guess the coolest person so far might have been someone in Greenland. It was pretty cold up there ;)

No, I'm kidding of course. I met a guy who was going across the North Atlantic in a rowboat. He was pretty cool.

I am still in touch with lots of people from this journey. And as in regular life some stick and others drift away. I've met many good people and made many new friends!

mooshicat6 karma

What sort of shoes are you wearing most of the time?

onceuponasaga1 karma

I'm basically always wearing the same. I think they are called Salomon XA PRO MID GTX

They are handy all round shoes.


What's the biggest dilemma you've had so far on this journey?

onceuponasaga22 karma

I was offered a free helicopter ride in a military helicopter while in Greenland. That's almost a childhood dream.

But I turned it down because of the "no flying rule". I do not want any controversy at a later point. That was pretty hard to say no to...

horsthorsthorst2 karma

You dreamed about military helicopter in your childhood?

onceuponasaga2 karma

HAHAHAHA :) Yes, and candy and Santa Clause

EagleThirdEye5 karma

How long will it take you to get from Florida to Africa without flying ?

onceuponasaga2 karma

A few days reaching Norfolk, 12 days on the ship to Germany, less than 48 hours crossing Europe to south Spain...and then a short ferry ride from Spain to Morocco :)

knoxangel5 karma

I loved your photos from Cuba. However, I noticed your posting wasn't as frequent. Did you have trouble getting access to internet, and how does that effect your trip?

onceuponasaga5 karma

Thank you.

Yes, internet is very scarce in Cuba. And only for the richest, the privileged and for tourist. You can find it in major hotels for about $8/hour which is an impossible amount for most Cubans. There are also a few other options but it's very limited.

Generally I find internet and wifi to be widely accessible wherever I travel. At least so that I can find a connection within a few days.

AGrownUpUsername5 karma

How are you funding this?

onceuponasaga6 karma

The $20/day budget covers everything and is meant as an average over the entire journey. In some countries I'm above while in other countries I'm below. My current overall average is above but so far I have covered most of the expensive countries. I see it coming down and believe that the budget will stick (more or less). It's sponsored by Ross Offshore.

bigcitydreaming5 karma

Hi Thor! Can you please recommend a country in Europe that I should try to visit when I am over there in a few months, particularly one that is a little off the radar or one that many people may not have heard of? Thanks. Love following your adventure :)

onceuponasaga6 karma

Hi, sure, I think you should look into the Balkan region. There are many interesting countries in that region which generally are overlooked when people go to Europe. It's a beautiful region and the culture and history is astonishing! Have fun :)

anappleaday-o3 karma

What do you consider "visiting" a country to be? Stay overnight? A meal? A week?

onceuponasaga3 karma

Although it has been decided for this project that a visit can not be less than 24 hours I really like fellow viking Gunnar Garfors' definition of a visit. He writes:

"I must have done something there and have a story to tell. To merely step across the border doesn't count".

In reality a sometimes spend weeks or months in some countries. But never less than 24 hours.

sutches3 karma

I wish I could be you. I'm following you on Facebook, because I think this is the coolest thing in the world. What made you decide to undergo this journey?

onceuponasaga1 karma

Well, you're lucky. You get to be you! ;)

I'm not sure? I don't think I had a clear answer when I left home. But today it comes down to this: 1) I think it's important to do the undone as it opens new ways, ideas and inspires. 2) I have grown very fond of the Red Cross and find the movement amazing. I wish to promote it further. 3) I want to show people that the world is different from the sensational news which is often our only source. E.g: "Ebola countries" must surely have something else? Beaches, music, food, children, culture etc? :)

hebroslion3 karma

Will you visit northern Cyprus, Palestine south ossetia etc. Disputed lands?

onceuponasaga3 karma

Good questions! A country is a funny size and many of them can be debated. The base for Once Upon a Saga was the countries recognized by UN and we built on top of that. Countries like Taiwan are not listed as a country with the UN (or NATO). The complete list is here (203 countries) http://www.onceuponasaga.dk/journey

hsgraduate3 karma

Hey Thor! I'm loving following your trip and I have a few questions!

What made you decide to leave on a trip that would take years to complete?

What is your favourite story so far? Why is it your favourite?

What country are you most looking forward to visiting?

How could you afford all of the boat trips on 20$ a day? Did you mostly ride for free?

I'm really looking forward to watching you continue your journey in Africa! I started following you recently so I've only followed while you've been island hopping, it'll be fun to watch you tackle other methods of transport.

onceuponasaga2 karma

Hi, Great to hear! Thank you :)

I suppose I always wanted to travel to every country in the world but I never thought it would be possible without being a millionaire or having eternal life. When I realized that it could be done I only had to make up my mind and get out the door :)

The Maria story is my favorite because it clearly shows how a stranger is a friend you've never met before: http://youtu.be/xQOL6tXXoy8

I've been to Iran before and I'm looking forward to going back so I can show the world. But I've never been to Japan and I keep hearing great things so that has me curious too.

A lot of the ships invite me onboard for free. The $20/day is an average and I can spend more. Then when I'm on a ship for free the average comes down again. Or when I'm in a cheaper country.

Stick around, I'll show you the world :)

Thenewalexander3 karma

How many languages can you speak other than English? Also, how do you plan to tackle war torn nations such as Syria?

onceuponasaga3 karma

I speak Danish, English and German at a high level. I know a lot of Spanish and some French and some Arabic. Using your arms and legs should also be considered a language :)

Time will tell. Making specific plans this far ahead in time makes no sense as things frequently change. Especially within conflict zones. I will need to do more research and pull on my connections prior to deciding what will provide me with the best experience. That an entire country is "on fire" is however rear and there are generally safe zones in every country. I used to serve as a UN peacekeeper while I was young and I know a thing or two. Also I'm traveling as Goodwill Ambassador for the Danish Red Cross which will probably benefit me in many such situations.

d3nmo2 karma

Don't you feel that doing this as a goodwill ambassador from the Danish red cross makes it a little easier for you, and you're actually somewhat in an ivory tower compared to those who would do this on their own strength? Have you experienced any issues getting in or out of any countries at all?

onceuponasaga3 karma

Yes and no. In some countries the Red Cross has been very helpful too me. But for the most part they are rally busy "opening minds and saving lives". So it's actually more difficult and more time consuming for me to locate them, schedule a meeting, do an interview and write a story.

Most of the time I'm on my own. The vast majority of the time I'm on my own.

I almost never mention the Red Cross to anyone if I need something. I do not want to misuse the emblem.

rotzy2 karma

Hey Torbjørn! One question for you: What is the best country/place you have visited so far?

onceuponasaga6 karma

Hi, cool! :) I'm inclined to say that whichever country I am in is always the best country in the world. It's a mindset.

Every country has something precious and amazing to offer. It my responsibility to find it, appreciate it and make it the best country in the world as long as I'm in it.

gamehelp162 karma

Why do you choose not to fly?

onceuponasaga3 karma

No one in history has ever gone to every country in the world without setting foot in an airplane. So this is an attempt to push that barrier and inspire people in the process. I think it is very important to push the barriers as it opens up for new things, new ideas and a different way of looking at life.

Also I do not loose time in airports and security checks. It's cheaper too. Generally I meet far more people in busses and trains and crossing land borders gives me the opportunity to see more of the countries.

Finally it's more adventurous :)

MrPink72 karma

Goddag! Have you found any places that you like so much that you might return and live there after your travels or are do you miss copenhagen and move back there? And now that you been so many places which kind of climate do you favor?

Thankyou and good travels!

onceuponasaga2 karma

I've been to many places I want to return to. Pretty much all - who are we kidding? I want to return to all of them :)

In turns of where I could live I have also found many places. But there would need to be something extra to draw me there. Like a person, a job or something else.

I have a girlfriend in Copenhagen, Denmark, so I'm pretty sure that I will ne up there ;)

onceuponasaga2 karma

Oh, and I like a place with 4 seasons :)

leadballoontaco2 karma

How many countries have you been to prior to this trip?

onceuponasaga2 karma

Funny, I was thinking "why do I early get that question?" :)

I had been to 54 countries prior to this journey. Countries which I will all revisit.

brujon2 karma

  • What was your worst experience with food?

  • What was your worst experience with disease?

  • What would be your tips to avoid having bad experiences with food and illness while travelling around the world?

onceuponasaga2 karma

I had a guinea pig in Peru which I didn't care to much for :)

I fell sick in Panama. It was some virus that was going around. I had a very high fever for a few days. It was very unpleasant.

Drink plenty off water, get the appropriate vaccines, don't eat dodgy meat, be sensible and you will be fine :)

adisai12 karma

Good luck getting into and surviving in North Korea, Iraq, Iran, Syria, and Antartica.

Question: how long do you think this will take?

onceuponasaga1 karma

Thank you. I find that the harder I work the "luckier" I get ;)

With 203 countries on my list I try to average 7 days/country which amounts to about 4 years away from home. If I average 1 month/country then it would take more than 16 years.

lebanesemeetsworld2 karma

Hey first just so u know I'm extremely jealous of what you doing, with that said I wish the best of luck.

Now to the questions,

1- how do you intend to visit war zones?? Are you gonna like cross the borders for 5 minutes and come back or what??

2-when are you coming yo Lebanon?? And when you do come do you intend to go to Lebanon and then go to other middle Eastern countries from there or what?? Cause Lebanon on borders Israel (obviously you can't cross from here to Israel due to some "tensions" between our two counties) and Syria (which is a war zone right now and the places close to the borders are extremely hot)

Btw when you do come to Lebanon you are more than welcome to stay in my place and perhaps we can go for a few drinks

onceuponasaga3 karma

Yum yum!! Lebanese food!! :) looking forward to it ;)

I have two passports and may need to carefully plan and rethink the order of the countries.

Time will tell regarding hotspots. Making specific plans this far ahead in time makes no sense as things frequently change. Especially within conflict zones. I will need to do more research and pull on my connections prior to deciding what will provide me with the best experience. That an entire country is "on fire" is however rear and there are generally safe zones in every country. I used to serve as a UN peacekeeper while I was young and I know a thing or two. Also I'm traveling as Goodwill Ambassador for the Danish Red Cross which will probably benefit me in many such situations.

thelinzonator2 karma

Have you had any "other-worldly" or "magical" experiences? Or rather, have you experienced anything so moving, special, or unique that it took your breath away?

onceuponasaga8 karma

Sometimes I'm struck by different thoughts. Like when I recently ended up on a private island at the residence of a billionaire and stayed there for a few days. I was still on the same budget: $20/day. The same budget as when a poor man invited me out of the rain and into his house several months ago.

Apparently what we have in our pocket does not decide where we go in life?

CrankJefferson1 karma

How many didgeridoos do you plan on fitting in your crum-bum during your travels?

onceuponasaga1 karma

42 - because it's the meaning of life!

theycallmeELMO1 karma

Do you ever miss Scandinavian food? This was my biggest issue living in Bangkok. Surely, as a Dane, you must miss "røde pølse"

onceuponasaga6 karma

:) I can live without the Røde pølser (red sausages). I miss my milk! Bit listen,my run into Danish people from time to time and they often have some Danish food which they sometimes force feed me :)

I love eating whatever local food is available. For me it's a huge part of traveling.

orangejulius1 karma

Hello onceuponasaga! Your post has been removed because this topic isn't suitable for /r/IAmA. Try posting in /r/CasualIAmA instead.

onceuponasaga4 karma

Not suitable for people asking me anything?

I'm traveling to every country in the world without flying? What's not suitable about that?

theujwalsuspects1 karma

I've been following your journey quite closely. Why are you spending so much time in the Caribbean? Dank dutchies?

onceuponasaga0 karma

Well,most a nice place on our planet but that's not the real reason. The main reason is because the connections are terrible of your willing to fly. Being that the region is comprised of island nations one would think that the connectivity would be better. It's a little puzzling. So finding boats is hard work and time consuming :)

Shots_Fired_PEW_PEW1 karma

Have you ever been scammed by anyone in your journey so far?

onceuponasaga2 karma

Not in the worst sense of the word. But I'm frequently given the "tourist price" and I cannot always do anything about it...

homie_jesus1 karma

Hi, what country would you rather not go to? Good luck!

onceuponasaga0 karma

None really. I think every country has something interesting to offer and even the ones that have armed conflict have safe zones. Many of the countries that scares people the most are very interesting to me - perhaps because we know so little about them.

Rotten_InDenmark1 karma

What would you do if a country, you've been to already, had an altercation and subsequently became two countries? Would you need to travel back to visit the new country? Example- Quebec pulls out of Canada.

onceuponasaga1 karma

Yes, I think that would be exactly what I would do. And it could easily happen.

ImReellySmart-8 karma

when will half life 3 come out?

onceuponasaga1 karma

As soon as people start having 1.5 lives.