1. I'm a YouTuber. I host The Philip DeFranco Show (http://youtube.com/sxephil), created SourceFed (http://youtube.com/SourceFed), and just launched SourceFedNerd (http://youtube.com/SourcefedNerd).

  2. If you want to know more about me than the things I make here is my life so far in a video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KyXpiRaF2Pw

  3. I like to do AMA's now and then, I have yet to post my penis to /r/gonewild, I've been on /r/ladyboners once although I believe it to have been an ironic post, and I love Zach Braff as much I love emotionally overeating.

  4. If you'd like to read the last AMA you can go here: http://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/zsbq3/iama_philip_defranco_type_person_ama/]

  5. My "proof": http://t.co/IxhlF5m4Dz

So if you have any questions about the new channels, the old channels, how Lee Newton smells, or anything except the movie Rampart welcome and I'll be on here for the next few hours.

Comments: 3137 • Responses: 58  • Date: 

TheChinWa1103 karma


PhillyDeFranco1707 karma


wackypieface695 karma

I first found your channel while looking for boobs on youtube when I was 10 years old. Since then (6 years ago) you have taught me how to be a better person, and drastically affected my politician views. So the moral of the story is: Alll good things come from boobs

PhillyDeFranco651 karma

THats pretty much the basis of my channel. Thanks for being a part of it :)

louiecornishesq489 karma

How does Lee Newton smell?

PhillyDeFranco740 karma

Like pixie dust, newly baked lasagna, and farts.

thenightmuffin442 karma

Can you put in a good for me with Meg? You seem like you would make a good wingman.

D0llWithAGun735 karma

Hey, hey, hey.... <3

PhillyDeFranco675 karma

Get out of here MEG!!! YOU HAVE 1000 POSTERS TO SIGN!!! whip

PhillyDeFranco561 karma

You don't want to get with Meg. She'll destroy you. Unless you're into that then I'll definitely put in a good word :)

Nostromo426373 karma

How's Papa DeFranco?

PhillyDeFranco541 karma

My dad is currently on dialysis and hoping that the next person that comes down to see if they are a match is and he can get back to some sort of normal life. I hope they are. Even if they aren't I'm still blown away and thankful to all the people who applied to see if they were a kidney match.

In the meantime he just tweets random things on twitter from his twitter DePapa. You'll understand why Im such a cynical pervert if you follow him. :)

SnazzyGaz326 karma

I'd like to publicly thank you for including my art in the FHP store, it's probably the best thing to happen in my life, no bullshit

And I get kick seeing zen monkey and l2c behind you every show :) Love yo face

Edit: Big up to Kristy and co at FHP, they are awesome people and work very hard!

PhillyDeFranco281 karma

No problem sir! The goal like most of our new ventures is make cool shit with cool people and have everyone make money.


KokiKun273 karma

How long do you plan to keep doing all this YouTube stuff?

PhillyDeFranco573 karma

3-5 more years unless I die in an airplane or my girlfriend poisons me or something with aliens. ...god damn aliens.

ShittyPaintings156 karma

How do you plan to end your channel?

PhillyDeFranco431 karma

With a wave and a wink. I was much more dramatic about it in the early years but I dont even know what my life is without YouTube. I'll always be around but its just the show wont always exist. I feel like Im in this big worldwide stupid loving and occasionally racist family. Don't want to lose that.

Alexcbrown209 karma

Jessica Nigri, Melanie Iglesias, Kate Upton - Fuck one, marry one, kill one. Go!

PhillyDeFranco493 karma

F- Mel. M- Jes. K- Kate

But none of that will be possible because now Lindsay is going to kill me.

k_alyd197 karma

What is the biggest criticism that you face? How do you respond?

PhillyDeFranco448 karma

Some people hate the jump cuts, some Redditors even say I "steal news from the front page", but the one that gets me because it is true is sometimes I don't follow through on projects like my book clubs.

I get really excited and then in a few weeks I get overwhelmed and hide. Thats happened a lot less these days but it is something I'm still trying to improve about myself.

BenTN101 karma

You're not the only one, but in the end, if it doesn't excite you anymore you don't owe it to anyone.

PhillyDeFranco152 karma

THats what sucks is Its still exciting but I dont schedule time accordingly. One day I will figure out how to make the world bend to my will :)

mizzykins180 karma

Since you started the show it's evolved from "The show that's not really a show but me talking to a camera for 3-4 minutes (yeah.. yeah..)" to a show that's now usually at least double that length. Do you see yourself going even longer than this to a show that's 15 minutes or longer every day or do you think you've struck a good balance in terms of video length?

PhillyDeFranco225 karma

I dabble with the long form now and then. I've been playing with the idea of having guests and segments (something similar to a late night show). We'll see. The future is looking pretty bright right now. I usually stay under 10 minutes because its very easy to over stay your welcome on YouTube.

efizzy154 karma

If right now you had to quit Youtube and start another career, which one would it be?

Ps: You're Awesome and I have been a long time fan.

PhillyDeFranco304 karma

If I wanted to keep making money I'd turn into a media consultant because half those people are talentless hacks who kind of understand twitter.

If I wanted to just be happy I'd run an adventure company. ATVs, dirtbikes, scuba diving, etc.

So probably the 2nd one :)

PhillyDeFranco229 karma


Jaffacakesz151 karma

Do you think Youtube will ever hit its peak or just continue to get bigger? If so, when?

PhillyDeFranco256 karma

I hope not. I do get worried because I think they are going to push Google+ so hard they may alienate some users but lucky for them they are THE SOURCE of videos. The only time I use anything else is when some artsy content producer uses Vimeo. YOUTUBE is it!

mrbentobox147 karma

Will SourceFed Nerd primarily focus on Trisha, Meg, and Steve? If so, how often will Lee, Elliot, and Joe be involved?

PhillyDeFranco195 karma

There will be a nice balance as well as the introduction of a few new faces as part timers at first. For us NERD is where the fun happens.

dirtboy101131 karma

Hey Phil. Whats been your most memorable interaction with a fan? Care to elaborate on the "Letting a fan girl into my house, which I will NEVER do again" story from your Draw My Life vid??

PhillyDeFranco271 karma

Ever been scared while a girl was performing an act on you? Thats all I'll say.

ztirk123 karma

Some dirt on other YouTubers please?

PhillyDeFranco461 karma

A few years ago I probably would have ripped apart a few youtubers but these days I keep out of the dramatastic YouTube and stick to the creative/businessy YouTube.

That being said Lee Newton and Trisha fart so much they have ruined all women for me.

ebon94121 karma

You've been in a committed relationship for a while, but at work you're surrounded by beautiful women. Does it get hard (pun intended) to stay behind the line of appropriate behavior?

PhillyDeFranco252 karma

No. The girls are like family here. Linz and I are great. You get comfortable in a relationship where you just trust the other person. Not that ignorant/lazy trust but that we respect each other and would never do anything to hurt the other trust. It takes time and arguing but once you get it its so great.

fictitious_friends121 karma

Hey Phil! What are your thoughts on a DeFranco Does Ottawa? (And/or Toronto) Also, of all your BAMF and douchebags of the day, who would you say is the top in each category? Thanks!

PhillyDeFranco128 karma

We've had serious talks about Toronto. Its all been delayed because we were waiting on a sponsor who just fell through because they had their budget slashed. We might arrange something on kickstarter for a DeFranco/SourceFed tour but it wont be for a bit.

tsiccm115 karma

what is the best piece of advice you have ever received from anyone?

PhillyDeFranco404 karma

Don't be the first when you can be the best.

PhillyDeFranco107 karma

Guys thank you for an awesome AMA. I'm going to go bowl with a few of my friends and get my ass kicked. I'm also going to try and go through a pull awesome questions I was not able to get to and make some videos out of them.

Thank you :)

nitishh101 karma

How do people get hired to work at Sourcefed?

PhillyDeFranco260 karma

Most start as interns who apply at Internsushi.com. The rest are robots we manufacture in house.

Thor_99 karma

What kind of pranks do you guys ( people of Sourcefed ) play on each other?

PhillyDeFranco357 karma

Steve's idea of a prank is showing me his balls. ITS HILARIOUS...for him. Disgusting for me. The rest of the hosts are too scared of me to prank me but thats probably because of the constant lashings they get for looking me in the eyes.

zak_hilton92 karma

would you consider doing a minute or two at the end of each show to reply to some of the answers you get from your question of the day from the previous episode

PhillyDeFranco154 karma

Not a bad idea. Might try that.

MonsieurRoboto89 karma

If you could punch anyone in the dick, who would it be?

If it's a lady, we can surgically attach one for you to punch. We have the technology. My aunt sews sometimes. Pretty sure she could handle it.

PhillyDeFranco87 karma

Rupert Murdoch. maybe.

TheLexuros79 karma

Why don't you make vlogs and videos with Matty anymore like you used to? I miss DJ Mike Switch.

PhillyDeFranco130 karma

He has a girlfriend now and spends all his time with her :-p

The usual story. But shes cool and she loves him so its ok.

BrandSeph77 karma

Will you be in the Youtube Documentary movie "I'm Vlogging Here" along with other youtubers like CTFxC, Shaycarl, and Corey Vidal?

PhillyDeFranco81 karma

Not sure. I was asked but I haven't contacted them back in a while. Mixed feelings and all that.

Redguitar10475 karma

Phil what is the best advice you can give to a beginner Youtuber for gaining popularity on Youtube? Love your Channel by the way. Beats my local news.

PhillyDeFranco237 karma

  1. You could suck Toby Turner's d*ck. Im not sure if it will work but I heard its magical.


  1. You make content you are interested in. Include what you love about shows/videos you like and stay away/improve on things similar shows do that you dislike. Become part of the community that you will promote your content on. And make friends in the community and luck.

matteatsmochi73 karma

Can you get me out of jury duty? Please? #phillydcalledsomeone

PhillyDeFranco88 karma

Even if did I would fail. Editor Matty has been out on jury duty this week. People I know are cursed :-p

LadyHayley72 karma

You give me a lady boner, Phil.

Also, love your work. Keep it up. You make the news interesting, and table talk is a great laugh.

edit: Will you be attending Vidcon?

PhillyDeFranco77 karma

Thanks so much :) and yes I will be attending Vidcon. Its the only YouTube con I go to these days.

darkninja122864 karma

Hey Phil, I was just wondering how much does a famous Youtuber like you make?

PhillyDeFranco173 karma

Depends on if they monetize properly. I contractually can't speak on my numbers but the 7 figure a year YouTubers definitely exist though.

soccer5012 karma

Confirmed: Phillip Defranco is a multi-millionaire.

PhillyDeFranco40 karma

maybe soon. Thats not really the goal but it IS a fantastic byproduct.

Northcliffe160 karma

Why did you stop doing Daily Giveaways of Xbox's and $100 amazon giftcards?

PhillyDeFranco131 karma

It gets eeeeexpensive. We usually go to back to Xbox's when we have a big sponsor though so I can reward those that enable the show to exist.

StotanPhoeniX57 karma

Have you had that moment of, "I did it" or something along the lines of you "making it"?

PhillyDeFranco104 karma

Not really. When school is in session and we're rocking awesome views Im on top of the world and when finals roll around and the views take a dip I get sad but I have friends and family that keep me in check. I don't know if I'll ever feel like I MADE IT!!! We'll see.

admh57456 karma

Any chance you leave Youtube and host all your content on your own website?

PhillyDeFranco259 karma

Only if one day I was like I should do the worst thing I could possibly do. Then I would totally do it.

kkimu152 karma

Hey Phil, it's no secret that you are a smoker of cannabis and I was just curious as to how often do you medicate? P.S I love you, have my babies.

PhillyDeFranco94 karma

It ranges from once a week to every other night. 2 hours before bed and I'm set.

VisibleGhost50 karma

How is Lindsay doing? What is she up to these days?

PhillyDeFranco97 karma

Traveling. Making me sammiches. Doing squats. Fun stuff :)

Schmittyballs49 karma

Is SourceFedNERD going to have multiple videos a day? How many?

PhillyDeFranco75 karma

Between 3 and 5 depending on the day.

Birdgeek346 karma

What does one have to do to apply for an internship with FHP?

Looking for work and not having much luck

PhillyDeFranco96 karma

I think the ability to fold and/or the willingness to dispose of a body. We're about to ramp up staff so just keep an eye out and you'll know. :)

TRexBytes37 karma

Dear Philly D, I know you have a TON of things to read and reply to, and I can only hope you have enough time to get to (and respond to) my post. First off, my name is Ryuu Lavitz, and I love your shows, SO MUCH. Between the PDS and Sourcefed, I'm 100% positive I will love SF Nerd. I've relied on the PDS and SF for my news intake almost every day for the past couple years now. I notice you've had cosplayers on the show, and I love that. I love that you're so versatile between news, games, cosplay, random fun things, ect. I'm a 20yr (soon to be 21yr old) cosplayer who aspires to be like Jessica Nigri, Yaya Han, Vampy Bit Me and Stella Chuu. But I have a twist- To use recycled materials for my props (swords, axes, ect.). Not only is it more difficult to make things out of cardboard and paper mache, but it's also not as expensive. I've been looked down on by local cosplayers (because everything I do is "easy") but its not. Everything I make has effort put into it, and not only that, but you have to EMBRACE the character. I was wondering, If I were to put on each costume, with a "Sup Nation" sign in each outfit, would you be willing to help me reach my dreams by making a little gallery for my work? I understand if not, (and I really never would ever imagine myself asking for your help like this), but you know how it is- sometimes, all you need is a little boost. I want to strive in this area so badly, you couldn't possibly imagine. I've done Pikachu, Raichu, InuYasha, Lara Croft, Hilda (from Pokemon), Little Red Riding Hood, and I have so much more in the works. I'm not asking for money, or a whole video based on anything, just a small gallery- or anything you could possibly do to help. I'll leave my deviantart link here (http://ryuulavitz.deviantart.com/) so you can check out some of my work (yes, almost all of my costumes are had made with the exception of certain articles of clothing here and there for Lara Croft's clothing, a shirt/pants for pikachu and My shorts for Raichu.). I REALLY hope you get back to me, it would mean the world to me, even if you say no. You can get back to me here, or you can even shoot me a message at [email protected]. Have a good night, and I hope you have fun with all your future projects for your new channel! xxx

PhillyDeFranco38 karma

Message me on twitter. Some of your shots are rather cool.

Meowrena36 karma

Are you still working on your novel?

PhillyDeFranco78 karma

Very slowly. Its pretty much the Draw my life but without cutting out the really crazy stuff.

JohnDoe29734 karma


nerdychick591 karma

Finally! GAWD! lol <3 Trish

PhillyDeFranco86 karma


blisterypolecat31 karma

What's your favorite youtube channel at the moment? Huge fan btw :D

PhillyDeFranco108 karma

DailyGrace is my every day youtuber. Love her.

DarthSatoris30 karma

Which series do you prefer the most?

Doctor Who, BSG, Game of Thrones or Breaking Bad?

And how excited are you for the upcoming SHIELD TV series?

PhillyDeFranco55 karma


BSG, Doctor Who, Breaking Bad, GOT. <---in that order.

Also no I had not heard about that series. I'll have to check it out when I'm done catching up on 29 years of The West Wing.

proJARsniper28 karma

how has sourcefed performed compared to your expectacions?

PhillyDeFranco81 karma

Far beyond my expectations. It is a self running ass kicking machine.

UltraCooperful23 karma

Hi Phil! Can't believe I finally get the opportunity to ask you questions, of which I have two.

1.If/When you personally stop putting out content on YouTube will you continue to run SourceFed?

  1. What do you want to focus on in the future of DeFranco Inc.?

PhillyDeFranco44 karma

I think the future is more about everyone else. How can I maximize Lee, Joe, or any of our hosts personal YouTube channels? How can I help them with merch and their careers? I see SF and my show as launching platforms for brand new awesome talent.

bigbuts9423 karma

Why is Steve against having kids, he would be like the most awesome dad ever.

Not counting you Philly ;).

PhillyDeFranco45 karma

Steve just started screaming fuck that when I read your comment out loud. No joke :-p

russianplusvodka23 karma

Phil, where do you manage to pull the energy to do your show everyday?

PhillyDeFranco58 karma


Moshea9421 karma

Do you REALLY love my face?

PhillyDeFranco48 karma

Yes. Duh.

Floater420 karma

Whats the biggest thing you've had to overcome as a youtube producer? (for lack of a better word)

PhillyDeFranco48 karma

Same as the most helpful thing: YouTube itself. Most youtubers just want a properly working sub box. Thats been the case off and on for the past 6 years.

ReallyGoodUsername16 karma

What do you think about the AMA that /u/iJustine did earlier today and how it went in the shitter almost immediately?

PhillyDeFranco48 karma

Justine has to deal with so much more shit than I do but shes actually a fantastic human being. Shes one of my favorites on a personal level.

Mrdirkadirk14 karma

Source fed nerd is going to be alot like LTA (Like Totally Awesome) but with new hosts, content, ect and why did you not just use LTA again?

PhillyDeFranco53 karma

Some things belong in the past.

Lcoolie14 karma

Can you please get rid of the yellow angry bird. It is always staring at me....

PhillyDeFranco30 karma

Theres a reason hes staring at you though....isn't there?

ElementalThreat7 karma

Favorite Pokemon? Love yo face, Phil!

PhillyDeFranco9 karma

Charmander. That was my guy.

GlazedTurtle7 karma

When did you first try cannabis?

PhillyDeFranco5 karma

When I was 20 I believe. But it wasn't something that occurred more than once every 4 months until the past 2 years.