
Comments: 132 • Responses: 40  • Date: 

fattymaggie1 karma

Question from Social from Amanda B: Why doesn’t anyone know this?

Despite the stacks of published research about these therapies, they’re just not taught to doctors. According to a study published in 2011 [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3241518/\], it takes an average of 17 years for clinical research to become standard treatment. That means for every rushed-to-market, profitable therapy like viagra, it will take decades and decades for unprofitable lifestyle therapies - like those discussed in the series - to be standard of care. Cancer patients can't wait. Which is exactly why we made this series to introduce people to the published, peer-reviewed science.

fattymaggie0 karma

Awesome question from u/Swimming_in_it_/ from r/KetoScience: Did you starve your cancer by not eating any forms of glucose?

“Starving cancer” is a popular shorthand but technically it’s not really possible to “starve cancer.” Glucose can always be made available through gluconeogenesis, glutamine is a non-essential amino acid. No diet is a cure for cancer.

For my very personal journey - not advice for others - I did stop eating anything that wasn’t actively healing to my body. To me that means no sugar, processed food, factory meats or dairy, alcohol, etc. I test my GKI (https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/25798181/) and it was 0-2 during my healing. These days it goes much higher but the "real food" principles are the same.

Thanks for the great questions! I think it's so important!

fattymaggie0 karma

Question from u/bigtimechip in r/ketoscience: What kind of cancer?

I had stage 4 adenocarcinoma non-small cell lung cancer with mets to the brain, eye, liver and dozens of lymph nodes in my neck, chest and abdomen.

My story and scans are on my personal blog: https://cancerv.me/2020/04/12/my-story-of-healing-from-terminal-stage-4-cancer/

The biggest thing, though, is that my incredible story isn't unique. We've talked to so many miraculous people who've used complimentary metabolic therapies like diet, off-label drugs, stress reduction to improve their outcomes (prolonged survival, increased efficacy of chemo and radiation, better quality of life).

Their full stories are at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sjLzQ2oK3Sw&list=PLIi49iLQ5VSBor-KO7is0kbVyACO61OFX with snippets to be included in Ep 4.

Many of these folks have been included in published case studies - definitely enough that there should be more trials.

No matter what, there's hope for all!

Edit: added question source