Highest Rated Comments

whfsdude1 karma

1) How fast did you initially progress? For me it was a matter of months from being able to see perfectly (no prescription) to RGP with a steep cone.

2) At what point did you decide that a corneal transplant was needed? (Eg. scarring, lenses would pop out, couldn't correct vision good enough)?

Keratoconus in both eyes here. I was getting close to the point there RGPs wouldn't work.

I had corneal collagen cross-linking (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Corneal_collagen_cross-linking) done two years ago and can now see pretty well without RGPs. Although I do wear RGPs for 20/20.

Edit: Most importantly the cross-linking stopped the progression.

whfsdude1 karma

Do you plan on supporting IPv6 anytime soon?

whfsdude1 karma

Any short term plans to offer IPv6 support?