Highest Rated Comments

thiswhovian13 karma

And this was the comment that brought the tears out. Fuck, you're amazing. Has this accident altered your pain tolerance?

thiswhovian3 karma

So you know you are going to die. Does it suck knowing that you have an expected time frame for departure? I mean, it is obviously the doctor's job to tell you that you have cancer and what stage it is in, but did you ask "How long do I have?" If you did, do you regret asking?

Also, I hope you are able to live the rest of your time being happy and without many worries. If I knew I was going to die in _ months, I don't know how I would react. I don't know you personally, but I think you are a strong and brave guy. I hope you are able to live in comfort, and be treated the same way by those who love you. I know I wouldn't want to be treated any differently; that would only make me think the people around me are not genuine. Kay, I blabbed on enough, all the best!

thiswhovian3 karma

Thanks for the response. Keep on keeping on.

thiswhovian2 karma

I have no idea how organ transplants work, so..

How did you get a new heart so quickly? I mean, 3 months doesn't seem too long when people are on a list for years before an organ comes their way. Was it different because you needed a heart? Am I really off on this?

thiswhovian2 karma

A lot of your responses are so straightforward, without fluff, and I’m loving it. You also come across as genuine and fun, but no nonsense. It’s refreshing.