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spruce112358136 karma

While I agree with the sentiment behind the lawsuit especially the 15% polling requirement, given that the Commission on Presidential Debates is a private institution, is it possible to sue them to change their own rules?

spruce11235881 karma

But wouldn't creating a more inclusive debating forum which competes with the CPD be more consistent with Libertarian philosophy? Why rely on the courts to regulate a private club's rules?

spruce11235844 karma

You could quote them Henry Ford: “If you always do what you’ve always done, you’ll always get what you’ve always got.”

spruce11235824 karma

NIT replaces welfare by giving everyone $MMM and then taxing all income at the same rate from the first dollar. So there is no "welfare trap" - you always net more by working. Also, everyone who earns, even the poorest, feels the bite of raising taxes -- which keeps government (more) honest. But you really have to replace with NIT, not supplement.

spruce1123583 karma

Third-party payers always increase the cost of an item relative to what it should be. When the government is the third party, they can mandate somewhat lower costs than when private insurers are the third party. That's why US healthcare is more expensive than Europe, say. But both are more expensive than what the free market would produce.