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siriuslyred428 karma

Transcript for people who can't access the video:

A lot of people talk about this film as if it is a subversion of privacy, and I think it's actually much more about a subversion of democracy - if we don't know the most important acts that our government is doing because it's kept from us, then we don't really have meaningful democracy , and that's why really brave whistle-blowers like Daniel Ellsberg, and Chelsea Manning and especially the stunningly courageous Edward Snowden deserve not decades in prison but our collective gratitude!

siriuslyred392 karma

Any chance of getting Oliver Platt on the show as a guest star in-character?

siriuslyred213 karma

How much does it cost to ship a penguin? Say from just outside the New York Zoo to a small village in southern England?

siriuslyred183 karma

What is your general decoration approach? Do you go for light blue colours to encourage calm? Or just say fuck it, it's all going down anyway, and paint everything Insanity-Orange?

siriuslyred4 karma

Cool! (Even bigger than the Death Star?!) Any way of getting into understanding something like that without a PH.D in physics?