Highest Rated Comments

sheldonkreger2 karma

Thanks so much! Your work is truly inspiring.

sheldonkreger2 karma

Hi Dr. Rosenthal,

I had the great pleasure of studying with Dr. Fred Travis for a year at MUM (2009-2010). During that time I was able to focus on learning about and experiencing the effects of TM. Later, I was able to review much of that material by reading your fantastic book. I still meditate to this day!

I have two questions:

  1. I follow Dr. Travis's publications closely. Do you know of any other researchers whose work I might like to follow, or any other resources I should be aware of?

  2. Recently I have been training in Olympic-style Weightlifting. The sport is the only activity I have found which requires a very high level of technical precision, and simultaneously absolute aggression. Our training style requires daily maximum attempts to train the mind/body to coordinate to execute the lifts correctly. I find that during these training sessions, my consciousness falls into a very deep level of silence, and that I can focus this sensation just before my lifts. It's when my mind is in this state that I make my heaviest lifts. Are you aware of any research on higher states of consciousness being triggered by activities other than meditation? I'm really having incredible experiences and I'm wondering if there is any research in this area.

sheldonkreger1 karma

Hi Dr. Rosenthal: One more question, if I may.

Are there any graduate programs you consider to be outstanding for a student seeking to build a career on studying higher states of consciousness?