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scttydsntknw85528 karma

You seem to like Star Wars, so my questions are...

1.) Your favorite movie?

2.)Light Side or Dark Side?

3.)If you had a lightsaber what color would it be?

scttydsntknw854 karma

You play a zombie so I have to ask...

Do you have a zombie apocalypse plan? What would be your go to weapon?

scttydsntknw853 karma

Mr.Zahn I love your work and one of my favorite books is actually the 20th anniversary edition of Hier to the Empire; I loved learning how you came up up with all these names and such.

Anyway, when Start Wars episode VII was rumored I saw a bunch of "posters" that were people hoping for certain actors to play Thrawn. The three big one were Micheal Fassbender, Benedict Cumberpatch, and Hugo Weaving.

So my question to you Mr.Zahn is this: Who would you cast to play Thrawn or any other of your charaters that you created?

scttydsntknw853 karma

Did any of you guys get to meet Adam and Jamie when they did the Mythbusters episode?

scttydsntknw852 karma

Have you seen the people who crowd funded "Solar Roadways?"

I am one of the people that think this is a terrible idea. I know you are not speak for the USA but since you have experience in the power supply field; do you think think this is a terrible idea?