Highest Rated Comments

sarah_cate1284 karma

Do the engineers usually get badly hurt when a derailing happens? How often do trains derail?

sarah_cate157 karma

She didn't answer, but I also have this condition and can say I've personally had quite a few concussions from fainting and hitting my head, so I would say that's probably what hers are from as well.

*Edit- wrong gender my bad

sarah_cate14 karma

As a former Starbucks employee...fuck iced capps. Whenever someone would order one I'd have to spend 5 minutes explaining why it was a bad idea.

sarah_cate14 karma

Hi Chris! Thanks for doing this, I am a huge fan of the show. Question: in what ways are you like Jimmy? Is there any one in real life that you draw inspiration for Jimmy from?

sarah_cate14 karma

Hey would really love to see some of the evidence that you've mentioned that has linked oral BC with your condition. I hope you understand that just throwing around serious accusations about BC on a public forum can have really negative impacts!