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rsmith9148711 karma

Heard about this on NPR yesterday, awesome news!

I heard a bit of this yesterday, but wanted more detail. Can you comment on why malaria in particular is a difficult disease to create a vaccine for? I mean more so than things we already have vaccines for like Polio, Measles, etc.

rsmith914879 karma

How has the student interest in robotics and AI changed over your career? Do you see a larger interest now than when you started?

rsmith914875 karma

Just wanted to say first of all, thank you for your service! My father is a retired U.S.A.F fighter pilot, call-sign "Cluso", and was stationed overseas in Saudi Arabia to enforce the No-Fly Zone, among several other deployments.

As for my question: What do you think the United States needs to be doing to help alleviate the Egyptian tensions right now? Should we just be staying out of the way or should we be taking more active steps?

rsmith914874 karma

Over the course of your career(s), have you seen the "strength" of creationism in Texas (and the nation at-large) growing in strength or waning?

rsmith914871 karma

If there was an operation you can get tomorrow for free and virtually no side effects to restore your hearing, would you do it? or has being deaf become such an integral part of your identity that you wouldn't?

I ask because I have several friends with different disabilities (one paraplegic, one blind, two deaf) and I always get radically different answers to this question