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regeya140 karma

I think it's funny how there are specific scenes in Episode 1 where people complain about the bad CGI, and then it turns out that they're complaining about an actual model.

regeya49 karma

Awesome, you got to work on the best Star Trek movie!

I hope nobody minds me hijacking the Fon Davis thread, but I know that you have shown off some (imho) obsessively detailed Star Trek props. Grant Imahara, of course, has been playing Sulu on Star Trek Continues. Do you have any involvement on Continues?

regeya36 karma

Nice to hear an actual Trek actor say something I've felt, which is that Star Trek seems more like stage acting than anything. Those episodes seemed more like DS9 episodes than a Voyager episode, to be honest.

regeya33 karma

Or i use my tomato soup for my pasta dishes. Like I saute some onions with a little chili flakes and garlic in olive oil, add the tomato soup, reduce it to the consistency of a sauce, and then toss my pasta cooked al dente in there.

Aaaaand bookmarked. I've never tried your tomato soup, but this sounds like a fantastic idea.

regeya31 karma

I didn't know that the lake in the intro was in Beverly Hills until recently, nor did I know that the same lake was in Star Trek, along with Floyd's Barber Shop.

There's something familiar about that kid in Corbomite Maneuver, but I can't put my finger on it.