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plainsnailing146 karma

Many of the complainst levied against the veil in recent years has not been a matter of the veil itself, but rather the communities that enforce the veil in ever situation and do not allow the women in question to make the decision to wear it for themselves. Thus, as far as the West is concerned, the veil has taken on the form of an oppressive symbol, which some say should be banned as the first step towards securing a more liberal and equal environment for Muslim men and women to co-exist.

This level of distrust for the patriarchal conditions in the Middle East has only been deepened further as of late due to the many stories, exaggerated or otherwise, of women being seperated from their chaperones and assaulted in Tahrir Square, Cairo.

What are your views on this, and do you think that your devotion to your garment of choice would improve if you had the liberty to wear it, instead of it being a neccessity?

plainsnailing36 karma

Asimov or Clarke?

plainsnailing28 karma

How long were you in the studio for? I typically don't watch a great deal of television, but whenever I used to visit my grandparents they would have it on every weekday. Sitting down with a cup of tea, tin of chocolate biscuits and a notepad was a wonderful experience. Still, they used to tell me how shows would be recorded in bulk in one day, often explaining how Ms. Riley would always wear the same dress (my granddad was also adamant that you could tell the day of the week or even the time of day by how high her hemline was, the dirty old git that he was) and people mysertiously went from looking refreshed and eager to a little flustered.

plainsnailing5 karma

Sometimes it works. "Drown With Me" from the Porcupine Tree album In Absentia was a shining height of my teenage years. I never even knew about it first time around. Same went for the 40th aniversary releases of all the old Jethro Tull albums.

The real perk to living in the digital age is being able to sample a track before making an informed choice and supporting the artist. There are those that crack down because of piracy, but there would have been no stopping those people anyway.

plainsnailing1 karma

What validity, if any, do you see in the potential behind rooftop hydroponic gardens for the production of select crops in inner-city environments? Would it help reduce the likelihood of food shortages?

Would the method by affordable on a commercial scale? Would farmers intervene in any projects, in spite of their methods being inadequate to meet forecasted needs and subject to environmental damage?