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pewWOWpew11 karma

Canada has already gone through the regulatory process with cryptocurrency, and it has set up an ideal model in my opinion.

I have a question, is it possible that the US will set up rules similar to Canada, where the main requirements are around security of the depositing institutions (the major Canadian one being the Vault of Satoshi)? Also is it possible for there to be an agreement with Canada that regulations are at least very close to each other so an international conflict of laws can be avoided there, especially for those of us who have been actively engaged in the Canadian regulatory environment for cryptocurrency?

I know this is about striking the right balance for you as a regulatory agency. I am open to reasonable regulation as long as cryptocurrencies are permitted. Canada has obviously struck a balance many of us who own, trade, and mine cryptocurrency can agree with, Russia has gone a direction that bothers many of us who are actively involved with. I am not against reasonable regulation, as it can protect those who deal in the market. It's just an authoritarian model such as Russia's which scares many of us. Many of us wish to use cryptocurrency for legitimate means, like internet tipping, cryptocurrency trading, and purchase of legitimate goods and services. I rather this be done in the daylight of a reasonable regulatory environment than a completely underground economy. I am hoping that the regulatory environment is one which allows the market for cryptocurrency to be mostly free. Additionally California has likewise moved in a positive direction recently as well.