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neverendingvoyage27 karma

Probably that experiences are more important than possessions and that, generally, the world is a good place full of good people just trying to get by.

neverendingvoyage14 karma

The $100 Startup by Chris Guillebeau is a great resource on thinking about what services you could offer that could be location independent. Running a business is the same wherever you do it.

In terms of the technical stuff, I'd consider getting a beginners guide to WordPress to give you an overview and maybe hire a developer for a couple of hours to help get you set up on your own hosting with your own domain and explain the basics of running a WordPress site to you. Once it's up and running, it's pretty easy to maintain and add and edit content.

neverendingvoyage7 karma

I think getting the most out of a place means different things to different people. Some people love to visit museums and churches, some people want to experience the music scene etc. We are really focused on food so we usually do some research about vegetarian-friendly local dishes we should look out for.

I also love to read novels and travel literature written about or set in a place to learn more about the history and culture.

We tend to do a bit of research before we arrive about food, interesting things to do etc. Although travel planning takes up a lot of time so if we're busy we might just turn up and figure it out there. We're big fans of aimless wandering in new places :)

In some places we do still experience culture shock when we arrive and can feel a bit lost and overwhelmed, but experiencing a new and different culture is part of the fun, and we usually adapt in a few days. On a practical level we use maps on our iPhone.

neverendingvoyage6 karma

We do consider ourselves backpackers because we travel with a small, carry on size backpack each. We sometimes stay in hostels but they're not the best places to get work done. Sometimes we do like to couchsurf.

Don't really feel that homeless, but that's why we like renting apartments, because it allows us to feel at home for a few months.

It's always hard leaving people, but we stay in touch with a lot of people online and try to meet up again when we can. There are some digital nomads that we've met up with on 4 different continents.

neverendingvoyage6 karma
