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madpiratebippy5 karma

She vacillates between me wanting to do it all for her so she never has to see a rejection letter, and telling me not to bother. Her writing partner has given me permission to actually do it all.

madpiratebippy5 karma

Do you do any of your own marketing for your books, and what seems to be the most effective? My wife has written 8 books but never published/submitted them, and I was thinking of trying to get them out there for her. Also, I love you so much and we have every copy of your books in both paper and audiobook versions. :D

madpiratebippy5 karma

You mentioned in a blog post that people asking you to read their books for feedback, for free, is rude and disrespectful of your time- and I agree! How much do you think is a fair amount to charge/pay to have someone read your book?

madpiratebippy2 karma

Also my wife is a super hot Amazon she-warrior with extensive hand to hand combat training from her time in the military, and I do not want to die. Happy wife, continued life. :D