Highest Rated Comments

lavacat55 karma

Don't be a dick to the poor guy.

lavacat47 karma

It is definitely not cool to talk to people at parties. Total faux pas.

lavacat23 karma

Domestic dogs yawn to calm themselves and others around them. I imagine the behavior is similar in wolves, and that yawning helps to put them at ease to show them that you are not aggressive.

lavacat18 karma

Josh -- what's the single most annoying thing about Chuck? What's the best?

Chuck -- what's the single most annoying thing about Josh? What's the best?

P.S. Thank you x10000 for making my commutes not only bearable, but fun and educational. I hoard your episodes for particularly bad weeks and road trips.

lavacat9 karma

Will you EVER do it anyway? It would be amaaaaaazing.