Highest Rated Comments

laurambp10 karma

How long did you live in Germany after WWII? Do you miss living there? Do you still have family there?

laurambp2 karma

Thanks for your reply!

laurambp1 karma

Thanks for doing this! I've worked for a publishing vendor and as a contractor for a medical journal company. The thing that I loved most about these jobs was the access to real, up to date medical research. When all of the controversy got to a high about something like vaccines or birth control, I was able to easily find, download, and share current research and medical documentation with people who were more likely to use gossip new sources for their information. I lamented when I realized that I could not do this to the same extent as before with the Ebola scare - there is so much misinformation out there, and if people have access to the same materials that doctors do, maybe they wouldn't freak out so much about the wrong things. Fortunately, there are still good sources out there, but the library isn't nearly as huge as what I had access to before.

How would you personally recommend using Open Access to get the correct medical information and modern research out there to share with people? I currently use Pub Med to find research, but wanted to know some other great open access sources or journals.