Highest Rated Comments

kinkakinka226 karma

Either you're early or the mods fucked up. Regardless, I love it!

kinkakinka147 karma

So do you think that the Western media is mostly correct about NK?

kinkakinka26 karma

Who are your running heroes? Any women you look up to or respect a lot?

You said you have a daughter, did you have her before or after you started running? If after, how did you deal with running and pregnancy and new motherhood and all that? Any words of wisdom for a pregnant runner who had to stop and is waiting to get back to it?

kinkakinka23 karma

Upvote for Mi'kmaq!!! I'm from NS!

kinkakinka18 karma

The deaf community cherishes their uniqueness and doesn't see deafness as a disability. They want people to embrace their deafness, basically.