Highest Rated Comments

i_am_thoms_meme830 karma

I'm really loving your show, and I wanted to ask about the trip to Nashville episode. Did you ever take a girl for a 1st date to a different city? It sounds crazy! Like what if there was no chemistry or the other person sucks?

i_am_thoms_meme16 karma

So here's a question a friend got on an oral exam: In the Long Beach bay there are tires that are left to float in the water. And they float horizontally at high tide and vertically at low tide. Why is that? Please begin from first principles.

i_am_thoms_meme8 karma

The truth is out there /u/Jux_

i_am_thoms_meme2 karma

Have you ever gotten in trouble calling someone the c-word? Ya know, an old cr*ne.

i_am_thoms_meme1 karma

How can we bring jobs to Baltimore city?