Highest Rated Comments

h1p1n3796 karma

If I hired a security officer, and some random guy was seen B&E at 1:30am, I would want him to be overeager with the taser. Hell, I wouldn't be surprised if he tased first, asked questions later.

Edit: Today I learned that half of you cannot take a comment lightly. No shit, I am aware that those kind of actions come with legal ramifications.

tl;dr: making comments on reddit sometimes is like talking to an over anal politician.

h1p1n3412 karma


Yes, the anti-freedom fish.

h1p1n3155 karma

So, you're a glassblower that doesn't blow glass?

h1p1n376 karma

Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck. I was on the toilet when I read that.. when I saw that this was only an hour old, and only had like 80 comments I got out of the bathroom faster than an asian teenager pulling out of a gas station sideways in his souped up honda. Hell, like them, I even left skid marks.

After running to the laptop in hopes to ask the (former) Stig a question in a slight chance that it Miiiiiiight be seen let alone answered, my excitement level went from extreme to very low by the time the toilet bowl even refilled.

h1p1n353 karma

Ever a chance of a DVD, too raw for TV footage? I know there has got to be some GOLD that would never air.