Highest Rated Comments

evvycakes13 karma

Love the work you guys do and I'm incredibly excited for Thornwatch and Eyrewood Adventures as a whole.

Lore question: What happens if a Thornwatch member tries to summon more Thornwatch members through the usual knot-tying means?

P.S: Love the Kickstarter riddles!

evvycakes1 karma

Ah! I was just looking for that tweet! I'll be there, the only question is if I should costume up.

evvycakes1 karma

These past weeks have contained my best Saturdays in a while thanks to them! Hopefully I can gush to you about them at Mox soon.

evvycakes1 karma

I always enjoyed the imagery of a boulder landing on a set of huge bagpipes after falling down a cliff while Leo stood and stared in shock.