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ekrej83 karma

Coincidentally I watched the documentary called "12th and Delaware" last night about an abortion clinic in Florida that dealt with pro-life protestors every day and they'd try to convince patients to go to their "family planning centre" across the street instead of getting the abortion. They were really shady and would tell the women that they'd help them financially and would throw out these bullshit statistics. it was insane.

Have you had to deal with protestors or backlash from your community in general because of what you do? Also, has you or anyone you've worked with had to deal with violence against them?

ekrej38 karma

yeah, that's apparently the exact reason those people moved in across the street from the abortion clinic in Florida. They even showed a scene in the documentary where one of the staff members was telling her coworkers not to immediately say no if someone calls and asks if they do abortions, so that way they can rope them in and get them to come to the office. It was weird as hell.

That's terrible that the doctors have had threats and protestors outside of their homes. :( I'm glad there has been no violence against you guys though! I hope it stays that way and thank you for what you're doing.

ekrej2 karma

Hi, fellow RSD sufferer here! I'm also a college student as well and I just wanted to ask...have you dealt with ignorance and weird comments from people because they don't understand chronic pain? I've been dealing with RSD (and other chronic illnesses) since I was a child but it seems like the ignorant comments (like "you must be faking, you only use a wheelchair SOMETIMES") has increased in the years since I've been in college. Also, how to do you manage college life and dealing with your health problems? Hope you're doing well. :)

ekrej1 karma

omg yes! I was SO weird on topamax for the first little while. Even now, anytime my neurologist changes my dosage, it's like I'm drunk for a few weeks. For some reason I'm really sensitive to that stuff..it's weird but amusing to my friends. In my sophomore year of college, my neuro changed my dose again and according to my roommate I went on a 20 minute rant about deodorant residue.

ekrej1 karma

So true. Lots of chronic pain sufferers don't realize how much support university/colleges offer for people with health problems.

it sucks that it took your prof seeing you on a bad flare day for her to understand how an invisible chronic pain disease works but I'm glad she's one of your biggest supporters now!

You certainly will be able to do it. and with the medication thing, (you might have already thought of this but incase you haven't), try to plan medication changes around your school schedule. For example, I changed around my topamax dosage recently (which made me really foggy) and purposely waited to do it until my exams were over so I wouldn't have to study with all those side effects.