Highest Rated Comments

daWTF2 karma

Go die.

Preferably with your can of Coke still unopened and undamaged.

daWTF1 karma

How do you feel about that 4 yo who called 911 and asked for help with math? Do you think that was fake?

Edit: that sounded less naive in my head. Please still answer the question though.

daWTF1 karma

All the cops really had to do was drive towards that town and then look for a massive wreck.

Also, I'm a boy scout and I've been taught many things about how to respond to emergencies and be prepared and stuff like that. My biggest concern is that one day I'll be driving on the highway and I won't be able to describe my location good enough for emergency response teams to well... respond. Is this a problem? And if so what are some pointers?

daWTF1 karma

I know that you are located on the west coast but I live in Huntsville Alabama and that would a really cool thing to have. Also, if you got it implemented in some eastern cities then it could spread even faster.

daWTF1 karma

Look it up on youtube.