Highest Rated Comments

briggsbu701 karma

"Oh hi. How are you? BECAUSE I AM A POTATO."

briggsbu334 karma

With that title, I came into this expecting news that you only had a day or so to live or something.

I'm glad I was wrong. Congratulations :)

briggsbu9 karma

It takes a lot of work from great people. Great developers, great DevOps, great IT, great management.

briggsbu2 karma

Said no Chicagoan about a New Yorker ever in regards to pizza.

*Edit: God, I suck at typing when I'm in a hurry s/So/Said

briggsbu2 karma

Future plans: increase the scan resolution so that we don't have to flag 30 minute chunks at a time, identify why things have been flagged, institute an appeals system, make sure there isn't any original game music on the flagging list.

Shouldn't these be things that you sorted out before you rolled out this abortion of an update?