Highest Rated Comments

boxjohnson459 karma

Chris Rock recently said on The Champs podcast that he likely would not release a special on his own like you did because network replays mean that people who didn't intend to see his special would still be exposed. They HAVE to watch him, even if they thought they didn't like him. Do you feel like you're still widening your base, or is that best done by doing a big HBO special like "Oh My God"?

boxjohnson41 karma

What's the creepiest thing a fan has said/given to you?

boxjohnson27 karma

Maria, I've appreciated how openly you've been willing to talk about mental illness in the past couple of years. Thank you. Where is your safest place? On stage?

boxjohnson18 karma

Have you ever done an online text battle and would you admit if you had?

boxjohnson14 karma

Rematch Mac Lethal for a stack of flapjacks?