Highest Rated Comments

bjoose140 karma

Did you ever date a girl from Ohio whose parents owned a couple of Subway restaurants, or was the guy I was working with at Subway in the 90s full of shit?

bjoose3 karma

I thought the red pill hated MRAs. And you made a movie that says they're one in the same? How does that work?

bjoose3 karma

Hi Professor Zimbardo, I miss watching your old videos in psych 101 years back. I believe that what it means to be a man has been given a new blank slate thanks to the notion that traditional gender roles are not natural. Masculinity now means whatever you want it to mean, and this ambiguity I think is responsible for so many men failing to get anywhere sexually.

Also, I believe our minds weren't designed to deal with the over stimulatuon that comes with the easy accessibility of porn we have nowadays. What are your thoughts on things like yourbrainonporn.com?

bjoose3 karma

I hear it takes a while to get used to the burden of gravity again. Do you have ever have lots of dreams that you're flying, or like you're in zero gravity again, from all the time you spent up there?

bjoose2 karma

Thank you so much for replying. I'll be picking up the book soon and will check out the updated yourbrainonporn.com!