Highest Rated Comments

ashden11 karma

Hi Nia! I think you're fantastic! Any plans on doing a book tour? If you do, Memphis would love to have you!

ashden5 karma

How do you handle summer shipping? I may order a couple, but I live in Tennessee and we're in the upper 90's and I worry that they would melt.

ashden5 karma

Retta! You are amazing! I just want to tell you how much I love your live tweets, especially because they're usually shows that I watch/have watched. My question, after Orange is the New Black, what show is next?

ashden1 karma

My friend's husband got his reversed after something like 9 years (he'd been married before and got it done then), and they were able to conceive. Her baby is due in June :)

ashden-3 karma

I'm gonna guess Marriott Marquis?