Highest Rated Comments

amgrulz28 karma

Don't spoil their hysteria with facts.

amgrulz10 karma

I'm currently having a day off because the rig washed their cement plug out of the hole...because they didn't wait long enough for it to cure...and seal in the bit and the other half of the mud-motor they lost the day before. What's the biggest fuck-up you've experienced on a well?

Edit: Thank-you kind stranger!

amgrulz9 karma

There's literally nothing out here. How can Midessa have so many people and so little to do?

amgrulz5 karma

Do you hate west Texas as much as I do?

amgrulz4 karma

The temperature in west Texas is too damn high. I'm not looking forward to rigging up today. How do you manage to not die of heat stroke?