Highest Rated Comments

Zerowing50 karma

Holy shit, that happened. I freaking love you guys.

Zerowing32 karma

I count five members of the actual team there (Jeff, Micah, Lauren, Rob, and Katie). Of the five of you, how many are wearing pants?

Zerowing27 karma

Skeptic. Demand proof. :)

Zerowing21 karma

Where do you live?

The first one was just a whim. We got PZ Myers and Richard Carrier. The next year we wanted to do a three-speaker gig, but we wanted to add a quality speaker. So we messaged a ton of famous people because, hell, "no" is free, right?

Then like, nine of them wrote back and said they'd speak for free, so we were pretty much committed to a full conference then. :P It just grew from there.

The ideals of Skepticon are simple. At the time, there were no free conferences. It's not bad that groups charged for their cons, because that money went to great things! But it did create a class distinction between the young and poor and those with hundreds of dollars to spend. Skepticon fixed that problem. There were a lot of factors that moved Lauren and I in the beginning, but that was the biggest one.

Though I'm not a member of the crew anymore (and thankfully so, since what they've done has exceeded any ambition for the event I ever had), I'm very proud that those running the event have maintained those ideals.

Zerowing21 karma

So requested.