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WickerSandman59 karma

A guy tried to fight/kill you after you went through this experience? What a prick.

WickerSandman4 karma

Only if you're connected to the internet though.

WickerSandman3 karma

I had to stay in a similar institution, on account of being in the hospital for attempted suicide for a third time. I was only there for a month, but I remember at night, every 15 minutes a nurse would open my door to check on me. Did they do that for you as well? Maybe it was just because I was on suicide watch haha I actually had a great time during the day. We played a lot of games, I flirted with nurses, and the snacks were awesome. Is that the same situation you had? Or was it more like the cliché movie mental wards with cells? (Sorry for the horrid formatting, I'm on my phone)

WickerSandman3 karma

First off, thank you for what you do. You are a genuinely good person.

Secondly, I was in a psychiatric wing at St. Luke's hospital down in Cedar Rapids, IA. And everyone had a room mate, gender sorted for obvious reasons. I was in for attempted suicide/depression, and my room mate had extreme anger issues. He would yell, punch the fence on the window, tear apart his bed, etc. Me being the complete opposite, I would just sit in bed and draw, but was genuinely freaked out by this kid (though he never came at me).

So, my question is, do you think the room mate system is a good idea? Or do you think some kids would actually improve more if they had solitary time?

WickerSandman2 karma

Thanks, and I'm terribly sorry for you too. And I know exactly what you mean when it comes to the other patients! My first night I had a roommate (who left the next day luckily) who was quite violent. He would yell and punch the fence we had on the widow. He never came at me though, I just laid in my cot and read. Across the hall there was an actually schizophrenic girl who laughed all the time. That was really creepy. She had a crush on me...