Highest Rated Comments

WateredDown175 karma


The comic in question for the uninitiated.

WateredDown58 karma

What is it like wrangling two artists as a person with a business mindset. How often do you have to strike down one of their ideas as unfeasible? Because goddamn, it would seem like a sane business man would have put the brakes on after "Most popular online comic", "Most popular video game convention" , and "Own Internet TV channel".

WateredDown39 karma

Its certainly been working so far. Thanks for all you do, and the rest those who help them achieve their ideas. PAX means alot to me and PATV is almost better than the comic.

WateredDown19 karma

To give him the benefit of the doubt, he said he was pretty timid before so he might be new to the whole "when do I say what's on my mind/assert myself without being an asshole" business.

Plus if he was using videogames only as part of the lifestyle of the person he was, and if he hates that former person, then he probably ties videogames into that loathing and projects it.

/armchair psychology

WateredDown17 karma

I think the reaction by the government to the initial protest makes quibbling over the EU deal pretty meaningless. It seems to me at this point it's about much more.